In 1800, John Dalton performed a series of experiments showing that matter consists of lumpy particles called Atoms. (which is believed to be indivisible)
John Dalton proposed his model of the atom called the "Billard Ball Model" in 1803. He defined an atom to be a ball-like structure, as the concepts of atomic nucleus and electrons were unknown at the time.
In 1897, Joseph John Thomson (J.J Thomson) discovered the electron using the cathode ray tubeexperiment.
In 1904, J.JThomson proposed the Plum PuddingModel, following the discovery of the electron. It is also similar to the "raisin bread model"
In 1886, EugenGoldstein discovered evidence for the existence of the Proton, however ErnestRutherford who coined the term for the word "Proton" for the positively charged particle in an atom.
In 1911, ErnestRutherford and his coworkers at the UniversityofManchester, England, directed a narrow beam of alpha particles at a very thin sheet of gold foil called the "Gold Foil Experiment."
In 1911, Rutherford proposed the NuclearModel, which all the positive charge and nearly all the mass of the atom were concentrated in a very tiny region called the nucleus at the center of the atom.
In 1913, Niels Bohr proposed the PlanetaryModel, in which he modified Rutherford's Model by stating that electrons travel around the nucleus of an atom in distinct circular orbits, or shells.
In 1926, Erwin Schrodinger proposed the Quantum Mechanical Model, since there is no way to know where the electrons are located. The location of the electrons are often referred to as the "electron cloud."
An electron cloud has Variable densities: a highdensity where the electron is mostlikely to be and a low density where the electron is leastlikely to be.