the vision that comes through the physicalsense of sight
St Bernadette of Lourdes saw the Virgin Mary who told her to dig at her feet where she found a spring where people still pray
joan of arc who saw angels and saints leading her to lead france in battle w the english
William James Pint
Passive - mystical experiences are doneto the mystic and aren't under their control. acts as evidence against claims that religious experiences can be willed into existence
Rudolf Otto
numinous- an experience of "creature-feeling" when you are aware of the almighty/ something "whollyother" that is so much bigger than you
says religious experiences change the way one interprets the world and helps develop ideas about god
they contrast with mystical experiences which seek the unity of all things
says that its key to understanding spirituality and there's no religio religion without it
Walter Stace
an experience can share commoncharacteristics with mystical experiences like ineffability, being nontemporal and feeling blessedness but they have to share the central characteristic to 'count' or have significance
the central characteristic is a oneness, transcending sensory-intellectual consciousness.
psychological objection- feuerbach
attributes of god are within human nature "God is man written in large letters" he is something we made up
if god is just made up by exaggerating humanities' qualities then james' argument that religious experiences suggest something beyond us is wrong
psychological objections- freud
human religious behaviour is a neurosis caused by a childhooddesire or insecurity to be protected by a father figure
religious experiences are just hallucinations caused with an explanation based in psychology and are products of our subconscious
thus religious experience cant be used as evidence for god
sociological objections- marx
religion alienates you from yourself as it acts as a form of comfort for the oppressed
he calls it the "opium of the people" something to suppress us into not wanting that sweet sweet world revolution.
therefore religious experiences must be fabricated
Psychological objections- mackie
if they're explainablepsychologically they have no authority
people who believe aren't critical enough
objections- kant
kant said we can only experience things in the empirical realm- he calls phenomena
this means our humans senses are limited and therefore we can't experience the unlimited god, it's logically impossible
Swinburne's defense for religious experience, principles
principle of credulity- accept what appears to be the case unless there's clear evidence to the contrary which gives you a reason to doubt it like evidence they're on drugs or strong reasons god definitely doesn't exist or didn't cause it.
principle of testimony- believe the testimony of someone's experience unless there's evidence suggesting they're a liar/misremembering swinburne calls these reasons specialconsiderations
objection- psychological transformation
edwin starbuck found parallels between religionconversion and the regular process of finding adolescence identity, so maybe religious conversion isn't something special and divine, but a normaluniversal process
imaginitive visions
vision occurs not through the physical sense of sight but through a dream/ is seen through the mind'seye
in the bible joseph had a dream where an angel told him not be be afraid of marrying mary even though shes pregnant
the pharohs dreams in genesis 41 in which 7 thin cows eat 7 fat cows and withered grain eats fat grain
intellectual visions
theres noimage at all, something is experienced rather than observed with the eyes. mystics claim to 'see' things as they really are, illuminated by the holy spirit
St Teresa of Avila, she sees "christ at [her] side neither with the eyes of the body or of the soul"
William James pInt
Ineffable- its a direct experience of god which goes beyond our power to describe
William James piNt
Noetic- you get knowledge of god which isn't otherwise available, its gives you direct knowledge in the form of revelation from god
William James pinT
Transient - the effects of the experience lastlong beyond the experience itself and the experience will involve a different perception of time.
William James empiricism
empirical evidence as to the effects of religious existence provides clues to a supernatural reality beyond the ordinary man
William James pragmatism
truth is value, observing effects of religious experience must conclude there's truth to religion- specifically says religious experience suggests a higher reality/ something bigger than us but not necessarily god
Rudolph Otto Mtef
mysterium, mystery cant be described; wholly other and causes a mystic to be 'taken up'.
R otto mTEef
tremendum, inspires awe/unease, is overpowering and has a sense of energy
R otto mteF
et fascinas- its fascinating, were drawn to it
Walter stace- introvertive vs extrovertive
extrovertive- looks outward through physical senses to the external world to find the One, because it includes ordinary senseperception is a half way house To the introvertive, not a complete experience of the one. the mystic sees the same world as everybody else but the objects are transfigured so the unity / the one shines through them.
numinous religious experiences
experiences of awe and wonder in the presence of an almighty transcendent god, the awareness of human nothingness int he face of an all powerful being.
many example sin literature like Isaiah 6 "I am ruined! for i am a man of unclean lips, and i live among a people of unclean lips and my eyes have seen the king the lordalmighty"
evaluation of otto
his account can be seen as confusing regarding whether knowledge of god is gain, states the experiences come from cognitive apprehension but also theological ideas come after the experience
otto seems to suggest all religious experience is numinous, which is too simplistic other types like mystical experiences are well documented
Walter stace- introvertive vs extrovertive
introvertive- looks inward to find the One at the bottom of the self, outweighs the other in importance- 'counts'. wholly nonsensuous and nonintellectual "total suppression of the whole empirical content of consciousness"
response to the psychological objection
James argued that religious experience do have a psychological element, but that doesn't rule out a supernatural cause. He was also more interested with the result of religious experiences, empiricism and pragmatism
response to marx
can be responded to with james' empiricism, the effects he documented outweigh the causes, religion leads to lots of good in the world through things like charity, it isn't keeping people down
response to mackie
it could be argued mackie is being overlycritical, jame's empiricism also works for him too since i usually group him in with feuerbach and feud
response to kant
William Alston says religious experience is similar to normal sensoryperception, like extrovertivenuminous experiences and there's no reason we cant perceive of something unlimited because we can imagine infinitelines and indefinitesequences of numbers
scientific objections verification
religious experiences only happen to individuals, one persons eye witness testimony is unreliable.
religious experiences are akin to emotions they cannot be tested repeated observed or anything.
people who have religious experiences describe such a variety of things, between religions and even people who believe in the same thing.
scientific and verification objection, drugs
drugs and alcohol like LSD can cause people to believe they've had mystical experiences
even james used nitrous oxide and anaesthetics "to stimulate the mystical consciousness in an extraordinary degree"
scientific objection- temporal lobe epilepsy
religious experiences, especially visions can be caused by tle, all experiences could be explained by abnormal brain activity.
vs Ramachandran carried out research and showed people with tle had physical reactions to it moreso than people without
persinger's helmet- created a helmet that stimulates the temporal lobes in such a ay that it can artificially induce a religious experience. led to research into the superior parietal lobe (processes information about space and time) which is surpressed when the buddhists and nuns they tested prayed
response to temporal lobe epilepsy
theres no way to prove every religious person experiences abnormalbrain activity in the temporal lobes during prayer
furthermore, it could be that god put the temporal lobes into humans as a way to communicate with us
response to verification
it is untrue that only individuals have religious experiences, if swinburne's five types catagorisation is to be believed then public extraordinary experiences like the sun dancing at Fatima disprove this. however it is true even group eye witness accounts can be unreliable
response to drugs!
it is highly unlikely that literally every single religious experience happened to somebody on drugs, its also impossible to verify that claim
Swinburne's five types of religious experience
private non-describable, eg st theresa's intellectual vision
private describable, isiah's numinous experience
private non-specific, samyutta nikaya's writing on trances and entering the realm of nothingness
public extraordinary, sun dancing at Fatima
public ordinary, Augustines writing on hearing the children chant "take it and read"
Swineburne's special considerations
when these aren't there, you should believe what you see or what you're told
testimony: the source is a chronic liar
credulity: the claim is impossible
both: not possible to show god did it; it could be explained in a mundane way
religious experiences are regarded as subjective because no objective criteria can be applied to them, they can't be tested or empirically verified in any way.
subjective experiences cannot be offered as scientific, as empirical or intellectual proof, as they're up for interpretation.
value for religious faith
they can be life changing, causing conversions, deepen faith and re-frame religious peoples lives, like how Aquinas experienced a revelation so profound he stopped writing
can result in the founding of religions
they can be inspirational
process theology problems

other than the obvious not compatible with the biblical account, not worthy of worship stuff- it cant coexist with other arguments like the ontological which limits it's usefulness on a wider scale