Later Relationships

Cards (6)

  • Myron-Wilson and Smith- Later childhood
    • 196 children aged 7-11 in London
    • sent out questionnaires
    • secure children unlikely to have any experience with bullying
    • insecure avoidant most likely to be victims
    • insecure resistant most likely to be bullies
  • Hazen and Shaver- romantic relationships
    • 620 replies to a love quiz in the newspaper
    • 3 main sections- current/most important relationship, general love experiences, attachment type
    • 56% secure, 25% avoidant and 19% resistant
    • avoidant tended to have jealousy issues/fear of intimacy
    • secure had long lasting healthy relationships
  • Bailey et al.- parenting
    • used 99 parents and babies, used strange situation to assess mother-baby attachment
    • interviewed mothers to asses their attachment to their own mother
    • secure had secure attachment
  • one limitation is studies were retrospective. There is 2 issues with this. One it may be misremembered or interpreted incorrectly, ands secondly the parent may change the truth to seem socially desirable to display secure attachment even when that is not true.
  • one limitation is there is no control over extraneous variables such as parenting styles.
  • one limitation is it is likely that these are probilistic. It may not be that an insecure avoidant child will be a victim of bullying.