energy is released from glucose molecules by cellular respiration
glucose + oxygen -> carbon dioxide + water + energy
high blood sugar level
glucose converted into glycogen (glycogenesis) -> stimulated by insulin
glycogen stored in liver but cannot be used in the body
low blood sugar level
glycogen converted into glucose (glycogenolysis) -> stimulated by glucagon
glycogen stored in the liver has a role of conversion and maintaininghomeostasis
glycogen in muscle cells provides glucose requirement for physical activity
glycogen stored in the liver has only a short term energy supply (approx. 6 hours). If energy is required, it will use energy stored in muscle then adipose tissue
High Blood Sugar Levels: storing of glucose
occurs in liver, skeletal muscle, adipose cells
storage of glucose
glucose -> glycogen = glycogenesis
glucose -> fats = lipogenesis
hormone = insulin
Low Blood Sugar Levels: release of glycogen to glucose
liver, adipose cells
releasing of glucose after conversion
glycogen -> glucose = glycogenolysis
lipids -> glucose = lipolysis
amino acids -> glucose = gluconeogenesis
hormone = glucagon
secretes insulin (Beta cells, high BSL) and glucagon (Alpha cells, low BSL) by Islets of Langerhans
High BSL >9mmol/L
Normal BSL = 4-8mmol/L
Low BSL < 3.9mmol/L
Fasting Blood glucose test:
diabetes = 10-17mmol/L = >125mg/dL
pre-diabetes = 7-8.2mmol/L = 100-125mg/dL
normal = 4-6mmol/L = 70-99mg/dL
Fasting Blood Glucose Test
A) Normal
B) Pre-diabetic
C) Diabetic
Fasting blood glucose test of diabetic:
begins in high range
spikes very high
takes over 6 hours to plateau
plateau is still in high range
Adrenal cortex role in blood sugar levels:
ACTH secreted from anterior pituitary
releases cortisol which regulates carbohydrate metabolism
stimulates conversion of glycogen to glucose (glycogenolysis)
stimulates protein breakdown in muscles and converts amino acids to glucose in the liver (gluconeogenesis)
increases BSL
AdrenalMedulla role in blood sugar levels:
stimulates release of adrenaline and noradrenaline
stimulates breakdown of glycogen in liver and release glucose (glycogenolysis)
stimulates production of lacticacid from glycogen in muscle cells, then lactic acid can be used by the liver to manufacture glucose
increase BSL
Negative feedback loop of high blood glucose
Increased BSL
pancreas (beta cells)
islets of langerhans (beta cells)
beta cells secrete insulin
skeletal muscles
uptake of glucose to glycogen in liver (glycogenesis)
uptake of glucose into adipose cells (lipogenesis)
decrease in BSL
homeostasis of 90mg/100mL
Negative Feedback loop of low blood glucose
decreased BSL
pancreas (alpha cells)
adrenal cortex and medulla
Islets of Langerhans (alpha cells)
alpha cells secrete glucagon
skeletal muscles
liver converts glycogen back to glucose -> glycogenolysis
new glucose molecules formed from amino acids -> glycogenesis and fats -> lipolysis