Cards (6)

  • mutation
    any change in the quantity or the base sequence of DNA
  • gene mutation
    any change to one or more nucleotide bases or change in the sequence of bases in DNA
  • Substitution of bases
    The type of gene mutation in which a nucleotide in a DNA molecule is replaced by another nucleotide that has a different base
  • Deletion of bases (addition/insertion)

    when a nucleotide is lost from the normal DNA sequence
  • Chromosome mutations
    • Changes in the whole sets of chromosomes → polyploidy
    • Changes in the number of individual chromosomes → non-distjunction
  • Effects of mutations in DNA
    • Base sequence of DNA is changed
    • Different sequences of bases in mRNA
    • Attracts different tRNA/anti-codon
    • Different amino acids inserted into protein/polypeptide
    • May affect tertiary structure of protein