institutional aggression

Cards (10)

  • dispositional explanation
    institutional aggression result of personality traits and social histories prisoners bring with them - many attitudes and behaviours developed in outside world imported into prison - prisoners may possess characteristics that increase violent behaviour like low self control, impulsivity and anger - e.g. gang membership (more likely to commit violent crimes in public so more likely to be aggressive in prison) important predictor of institutional aggression
    found number of violent offences related to learned history of offender - if prisoner previously had lower level of education, more serious criminal record and more time unemployed in life more likely to be aggressive in prison - indication that violence imported due to offender's previous experience
    found best indicator of violence amongst juvenile offenders was their level of pre dispositional violence, regardless of situational factors in the institution
    found inmates with history of gang membership before being imprisoned were no more likely than others to engage in prison violence - aggressive tendencies not always imported into institutions and criticises dispositional - lack of relationship may be explained by fact that violent gang members tend to be isolated from general inmate population restricting opportunities for violence
  • DISPOSITIONAL EVALUATION - practical applications
    Fischer - found isolating known gang members in special management unit reduced the rates of serious assault by 50% - suggests research can help reduce prison violence
  • Situational explanation
    deprivation model - Sykes - institutional aggression result of prison environment and not necessarily individuals - occurs as result of stressful and oppressive conditions and deprivations inmates experience on a daily basis
  • 5 deprivations
    Deprivation of liberty (freedom) - autonomy (independence) - goods and services (material possessions) - homosexual relationships (female company) - security (safety) - can lead to stress and frustration for inmates - more likely to act aggressively in order to both reduce stress and obtain the desired resources
    found from survey of prisons overcrowding, lack of privacy and lack of meaningful activity all influence peer violence - Megargee found aggressive incidents in prisons negatively correlated amount of living space available for each prisoner - deprivation of liberty and autonomy may help explain institutional aggression in prisons
  • SITUATIONAL EVALUATION - practical applications
    early 1990s Wilson set up 2 units at HMP Woodhill less claustrophobic and gave view of outside world, masked prison noise with music and lowered temperature so it wasn't extremely hot - found changes virtually eradicated assaults on prison staff and inmates - suggests deprivation model can be used to help improve safety and security
    found analysing 2 prisons in Mississippi that allowed conjugal visits (visits from partners for sex) that there was no link between involvement in theses visits and reduced aggressive behaviour - suggests deprivation of heterosexual relationships doesn't affect prison violence