probability and significance

    Cards (6)

    • null hypothesis:
      states that there is no difference
      other hypothesis possibly stating the difference known as alternative hypothesis
      statistical tests determine which hypothesis is accepted
    • level of significance
      usual level is p<0.05 in psychology
      psychologists never 100% certain about a result as not tested with all people in the target population
    • one tailed is a directional hypothesis as it suggests the direction of the experiment as based off previous research
    • two tailed non directional hypothesis does not suggest the direction of the experiment as it is not based off previous research
    • type 1 error:
      null hypothesis rejected and alternative accepted
      null hypothesis should have been accepted and alternative rejected
      known as false positive
      researcher claims to have found a significant difference
    • type 2 error:
      null hypothesis accepted and alternative rejected
      null hypothesis should have been rejected and alternative accepted
      known as false negative
      researcher claims that there was no significant difference