Each binary digit in a number is reversed to allow both negative and positive numbers to be represented
Two's complement
Each binary digit is reversed and 1 is added in right-most position to produce another method of representing positive and negative numbers
Sign and magnitude
Binary number system where left-most bit is used to represent the sign (0 = + and 1 = –); the remaining bits represent the binary value
A number system based on the value 16 (uses the denary digits 0 to 9 and the letters A to F)
Memory dump
Contents of a computer memory output to screen or printer
Binary-coded decimal (BCD)
Number system that uses 4 bits to represent each denary digit
ASCII code
Coding system for all the characters on a keyboard and control codes
Character set
A list of characters that have been defined by computer hardware and software. It is necessary to have a method of coding, so that the computer can understand human characters
Coding system which represents all the languages of the world (first 128 characters are the same as ASCII code)