A condition characterised by severe deprivation of basic human needs, including food, safe drinking water, sanitation facilities, health, shelter, education and information. It depends not only on income but also on access to services.
Discrimination against someone because of (old) age.
A community which works to bring peace and reconciliation to the people of Northern Ireland and beyond.
A physical or mental condition that limits a person's movements, senses, or activities.
To act unfairly towards a person or group of people; to put prejudice into action; to exclude people from equal treatment.
Economic costs
The amount of money spent carrying out the action.
Co-operation between Christian denominations.
Students should be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of, and critically evaluate:
Topics students should be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of, and critically evaluate
The causes and types of prejudice and discrimination, including race, religion, gender, and disability
Biblical and church opinions on prejudice and discrimination
Bible teaching on responsibility towards people in need
The causes and characteristics of local, national, and global poverty, and the distinction between absolute and relative poverty
The work of one organisation fighting poverty and injustice, for example Christian Aid, St Vincent de Paul, Salvation Army or Trócaire
Ways in which individuals and communities can respond to and support both fair trade and campaigns for justice
Everyone should be treated equally and given the same rights; identical cases should be treated in the same way.
To abuse/use someone or something for your own ends.
Fair Trade
Trade between companies in developed countries and producers in developing countries in which fair prices are paid to the producers.
The belief that women should have equal rights; the movement that promotes gender equality.
The state of being male or female.
Relating to the whole world; worldwide.
Liberation Theology
A Christian movement which began in Third World countries seeking to overcome economic oppression and exploitation.
Means existing in or belonging to the area where you live, or to the area that you are talking about.
People who do not fit in with the rest of society and are pushed to one side and not treated equally.
Relating to the whole of a nation or country.
A negative view of someone based on an unfounded or unreasonable belief; can lead to acts of discrimination.
To show hatred, unfairness or even violence to people because of their race; the idea that one race is superior to another.
Relative poverty
The condition in which people lack the minimum amount of income needed in order to maintain the average standard of living in the society in which they live.
To act unfairly to someone because of their gender.
Simon Community
A charitable organisation for homeless people.
The idea that a person shares all (usually negative) characteristics of a group to which it is assumed they belong.
The belief that it is better to act in such a way as to bring the greatest happiness to the greatest number of people.
Western world
Europe and North America.
Is an attitude of mind.
Having a pre-judgment about someone which is not based on fact.
We make decisions about someone or something before the basic facts are known, or before we have experienced the situation.
It might blind us to all other evidence that points a different way.
It causes us to see what we want to see, and to overlook what we don't want to know.
When our prejudices are directed towards an individual or a group of people.
We make judgments about an individual or an entire group of people based on limited, untested, unjust assumptions.
We put people into categories based on our first impressions and preconceived notions.
Deprives people from respect and dignity as made in God's image.
Fails to recognise the individuality, uniqueness, and equality of people.
Prevents us from reaching out to learn about others.
When our prejudices cause us to speak unjustly about others or act unjustly towards others.
When prejudices are put into action
When we treat people unjustly – making unfavourable distinctions between people because of e.g. religion, culture, intelligence, status, age, gender
Prejudice is an attitude. Discrimination is an action.
Possible questions
Explain the difference between prejudice and discrimination. (5)
What is stereotyping? Give two examples. (5)
Causes and origins of prejudice
Ignorance / Fear
The need for a scapegoat
Can you think of any examples of bias in the media?
Characteristics of discrimination
Direct discrimination
Indirect discrimination
Explain the difference between prejudice and discrimination. (5)
Humankind shares a spiritual likeness with God
Genesis 1:27: '"So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them."'
Amos in the OT is known as the Prophet of Social Justice
Amos 5:24: '"But let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-fallen stream."'