Origins & Key Elements

Cards (20)

  • The Vedas form the basis of Hindu religious beliefs and culture and are considered eternal truths.
  • what is Samsara?

    the law of rebirth (the cycle). Buddhists believe that dependent on your actions of life, determines whether one has a 'good' or 'bad' rebirth. One will continue the cycle of Samsara until achieving Nirvana
  • What is Nirvana (Buddhism)

    Is the state of being free from all desires. How and when a person achieves Nirvana is determined through the main schools of thought in Buddhism - Theravada and Mahayana
  • What does Karma indicate (Buddhism)
    All humans are affected by the actions they make. Buddhists believe that all actions have consequences, either in this life or after life.
    By behaving positively, one will achieve good Karma. By behaving negatively, one will achieve bad Karma
  • why is karma so crucial to the afterlife? 

    karma is cruical as the level of Karma one accures over life time, determines how one is reborn
  • what is Jihad
    Jihad is an arabic word, meaning struggling. Can refer to various efforts to align personal and social life with God.
  • what is the difference between greater and lesser Jihad?
    Greater - refers to the inner struggle against one's own base. striving to improve its self morally.
    Lesser - involves external actions, armed conflict. can be divided into multiple aspects.
  • what is the origin of Judaism
    Origin - sacred texts consit of Tanakh, split into three sections. Torah, Nevi'm abd Ketuvium. Torah is the most important, considered as most sacred and foundational for Jews.
  • what does the origin of Judaism indicate?
    Torah contains divine teachings, law, history, narratives which guide religion and ethical practice. Serves as central document of Jewish faith - guidance for conducts and life.
  • what does the origin of Christianity show?
    Jesus is considered by Christians as the long awaited Jesus Messiah - incarnate Son of God. Said to have worked many miracles in the tradition of Moses - helping the sick.
    Old Testament - shared with Judaism
    New Testament - contains teachings and life of Jesus
  • why is the origin of Christianity important?
    Christians view bible as inspired word of God, consider it central to faith. Provides guidance on ethical behaviours, spiritual wisdom, source of comfort.
  • why did Islam originate?
    Muhammad successful merchant based - Mecca. Received divine revelations, continued until his death. Muhammad proved to be successful leader in Media - Islam grew consolidated here.
    Quran - believed by Muslims to be the word of God - revealed prophet Muhammad over multiple years.
  • why is the origin of Islam so important?
    Muslims regard Quran as ultimate source of guidance and authority, faith, law, morality. Revered as final revelation from God to humanity.
  • what are the varnas (Hindusim)

    the social class system. based on one's qualities and functions.
  • what are the classes within the varnas
    portrays the Brahman (priest), the Kshatriya (noble), the Vaishya (commoner), and the Shudra (servant)
  • what are the ashramas? 

    it is the four different stages of life one progresses through. The stages included are student, householder, retired & reunciant.
  • what are the goals of hinduism?
    Moksha, Dharma, Karma, Artha.
  • why is moskha so important to hinduism
    it is the highest aim of human life. Moksha is one of the goals of hindusim (four purusharthas).
  • how can one achieve Moksha? 

    by overcoming ignorance and desires. Moksha is the end of the death and rebirth cycle and is classed as the fourth and ultimate artha (goal).
  • is moksha present in hindusim and buddhism? Why?
    technically both religions follow Moksha. However within Buddhism it is referred to as Nirvana instead.