upper lip is pendulous and presses on the lower one
an advantage in administering liquid medicines
large vestibule
The general looseness of the lips creates a
large vestibule- an advantage in administering liquid medicines. Upper lip has philtrum
lips are less mobile and reduced
less mobile; upper lip blends with nose to form nasolabial plate (muzzle) which is moist and glandular
In cattle, lips are less mobile; upper lip blends with nose to form _____ which is moist and glandular
nasolabial plate (muzzle)
soft and flexible and aid in picking up food; upper lip is deeply grooved with a midline philtrum
mobile upper lip, used for collecting food and introducing it to the mouth. The lips are sensitive
less mobile; upper lip blends with the nose to form rostrum (snout),which contains the bone, os rostrale, lower lip is noticeably smaller than the upper lip
The pig's lips are less mobile; upper lip blends with the nose to form ______
rostrum (snout)
lip is absent. Has beak used for prehension and for aerodynamics
It is the modificication of the jaw of bird and used for prehension and for aerodynamics
Beak also serves as a ____
sense organ (bill tip organ)
serves as a sense organ (bill tip organ) via sensory corpuscles (touch papillae)
embedded in the keratinised tissue of the beak and associated lamellae
have pointed beak
gallinaceous birds
have a flattened, spoon-shaped beak that is somewhat more
flexible and is adapted for straining through water for foodstuffs
widest at the 4th cheek tooth and median raphé usually replaced by a ridge
hard palate of dog
widest at the 4th cheek tooth and median raphé usually replaced by a
cranial portion forms the prominent dental pad.
The rugae extend only 2/3 of the length of the palate and all but the last few are serrated on their free borders
In hard palate of the ruminant, cranial portion forms the prominent _____
dental pad
In hard palate of the ruminant, the rugae extend only ____ and all but the last few are serrated on their free borders
2/3 of the length of the palate
the rugae are not serrated
hard palate of sheep
The openings of the naso-palatine ducts form a prominent V
on either side of the central incisive papilla
hard palate of sheep
divided into two equal portions by the median raphe and the palatine rugae extend the
whole length of the palate
hard palate of horse
hard palate of horse divided into two equal portions by the _____ and ____
median raphe and palatine rugae extend the whole length of the palate
has long and narrow hard palate with equal width throughout.
hard palate of pig
Both rugae and median
raphé are well marked. Incisive papilla is prominent anteriorly
hard palate of pig
lacks soft palate
hard palate of chicken
Wide, thin and mobile
dorsum marked by median groove; long backward pointing papillae on the
root; inferior part of the tip has cord of fibrous tissue— the lyssa
In tounge of dog, dorsum marked by ____
median groove
inferior part of the tip has cord of fibrous tissue
Posterior half of dorsum is prominent bulge, torus linguae, and marked off by transverse depression,
transverse lingual fossa
Papillae on the torus lingua are distinct and are termed conical papillae
In cattle, posterior half of dorsum is prominent bulge, _____
torus linguae
In cattle, posterior half of dorsum is prominent bulge, torus linguae, and marked off by transverse depression,
transverse lingual fossa
In cattle, papillae on the torus lingua are distinct and are termed
conical papillae
As in bovine but tip is more blunt and posterior prominence is not so well-marked.
No conical
papillae but less keratinized filiform papillae are numerous at the tip.