Cards (15)

  • Islamic World focused on literature and preserved the works of Galen, Aristotle and Pliny into Arabic and Hebrew
  • The Paradise of Wisdom authored by Ali Ibn-Sahl at-Tabari discusses dentistry
  • Abu-Bakr Muhammad ibn-Zakariya al Razi is also known as Rhazes
  • Rhazes dedicated the Kitab Al-Mansuri to the Persian sultan Al-Mansuri
  • Rhazes identified the teeth's individual length and the mandible's mode of action
  • Rhazes advised against extraction
  • Ali ibn'l Abbas al-Masuji or Ali Abbas, relied on the cautery with red hot needles to prevent odontalgia
  • Ali Abbas stated that if the treatment of cautery failed, he advised for extraction
  • Abul Kasim or Albucasis stated that calculus is a major cause of periodontal disease
  • Gum Separation, Luxation and Extraction are the 3 methodologies of Extraction
  • abu-'Ali al-Husayn ibn-Sina or Avicenna authored Al-Qanun
  • Avicenna stressed the importance of keeping the teeth clean
  • the Koran forbids dissection
  • Pharmacy became a respected profession separate from medicine
  • Prophet Muhammad introduced oral hygiene that includes rinsing the mouth for at least 15 times a day