Arthava Veda is known for the principle of Magic Formulas
Sushurata Samhita is the father of surgery
Indian Medicine has 3 principles: Pitta, Kapha and Vayu
Any imbalance would cause diseases
Surgery is the most important branch of medicine. Salya is used for extraction of objects and Salakya is used for treating diseases of body parts above the clavicle
Sushruta Samhita believed in the saying when a tumor grew on the gums or tongue, it was sacrificed or cauterized rather than excised
In India, Oral Hygiene considers the mouth as a gateway to the body
Vagbhata believes that extraction must be used with forceps with beaks shaped like an animal
The tooth of Buddha is enshrined at the Temple of the Tooth in Sri Lanka
The Sacred Tooth of Buddha is a replica
In Chinese Dental Medicine, Arsenic was used to treat decayed teeth
Amalgam is made up of Silver, Tin, Copper, Zine and Mercury
Hua Shou discovered the early phase of measles
Koplick's Spots are white spot surrounded by red ring
Ting To-tung and Yu Shu described the process of mastication and deglutition
Earliest forms of cleft lip surgery was performed during the Chin Dynasty
Toothbrush originated in China
Taiho Retsuyo consisted of 17 volumes, 11 of which were legal codes
Ishitsuryo was the book of law to deal with medical practice
Ishitsuryo states that medical treatment is the responsibility of the government
There are 4 recognized medical specialties: Internal Medicine, Surgery, Pediatricd and Oto-Opthalme-stematology
Fuyuyori Tambano extracted the teeth of Emperor Hanazono
Quacks and Charlatans lured patients by acrobatics, tricks and swrodplay
The Tokugawa Shogunate states that extraction, cauterization and use of charms are all reliefs of toothache
School of Medicine was established in Fukuoka in 1765
Married women find blackening of the teeth a sign of respectability and a sign of their husband's wealth and as an enhancement
Blackening of Teeth was also adopted by prostitutes in the 1700s.
Prosthodontics in Japanese dentistry include wooden dentures
Nakaoka Tei is known as the lady of Buddha and founded Ganjo-ji Temple