Types of long term memory

Cards (6)

  • AO3
    Another strength of LTM is that it has practical real-life applications. For example, in Belleville et al.'s study, older individuals with mild cognitive impairment improved their episodic memories through training, as observed in their post-training episodic memory test compared to the control group. This ability to identify and differentiate between the types of LTM allows psychologists to create interventions that better people's lives. Therefore, understanding the different types of LTM has enabled psychologists to develop targeted treatments, ultimately improving society's well-being.
  • AO3
    Strength of the LTM theory = research support for the nature of the types of memories. In a study by Snyder et al, experienced typists were able to type without impairment even when the letters on the keyboard were blanked out. But, when asked to label the blanked out keys, they could only do it with 57% accuracy. This shows that procedural memory is implicit & can be accessed without conscious awareness even in the absence of semantic memory. Thus, research supports the LTM theory that procedural and semantic memory, can operate independently and have distinct characteristics.
  • What are the characteristics of episodic memory?
    Recalled from the right prefrontal cortex
  • What are the characteristics of semantic memory?
    Recalled from the left prefrontal cortex
  • What are the characteristics of procedural memory?
    • Recalled from the basal ganglia and cerebellum
  • What are the similarities between episodic memory and semantic memory?
    • Both explicit
    • Both recalled from the prefrontal cortex