Posterior Thorax: Inspection, palpation and percussion
1. Scapulae are symmetric and non protruding
2. Shoulders and scapulae are at equal horizontal position
3. Spinous process appears straight and thorax appears symmetric with ribs
4. Kyphosis, an increase curve of the thoracic spine is common in older clients
5. Expansion of the lower chest is noted during inspiration
6. No tenderness, pain, or unusual sensations. Temperature should be equal bilaterally when palpated
7. No palpable crepitus (clicking, cracking, creaking, crunching, grating or popping sound when a joint is moved)
8. Skin and subcutaneous tissue are free of lesions and masses
9. Fremitus is symmetric and easily identified in the upper regions of the lungs
10. Chest expands when takes a deep breath, the examiner's thumb should move 5 to 10 cm apart symmetrically
11. Elicited resonance percussion tone that is elicited over normal lung tissue
12. While percussion elicits flat tones over scapula
13. Excursion should be equal bilaterally and measure 3 to 5 cm in adults
14. Level of diaphragm maybe higher on the right because of the position of the liver
15. 3 types of normal breath sounds may be auscultated- bronchial, bronchovesicular, and vesicular
16. No adventitious sounds, such as crackles (discrete and discontinuous sounds) or wheezes (musical continuous) are auscultated
17. Bronchophony –voice transmission of ninety-nine is soft, muffled, and distinct. The sound of voice maybe heard but the actual phrase cannot be distinguished
18. Egophony – voice transmission will be soft and muffled but the letter "E" should be distinguishable
19. Whispered Pectoriloquy – transmission of sound (one –two-three) is very faint and muffled. It maybe inaudible