Media may give info to (fe)males of the success of adopting these behaviours – seeing performance of gender-appropriate behaviour increase belief they can do the same
kids w/ more exposure adopt more gender-stereotypical views
Mead 1935
Buss 1995
Munroe & Monroe1975
Bussey & Bandura 1999
Furnham & Farragher 2000
McGhee & Frueh 1980
limitation - imposed epic in culture & gender role
John Berry 2002 = assumption of Western ways being universal but is actually meaningless when transferred to other cultures
should include a member of the studied population therefore most research by Westerners in cross-cultural studies, reduces internal validity
strength - evidence of media influence
Williams 1986 = kids in British Columbia (Notel) never had TV signal, questionnaire on typical boy and girl characteristics, also studied kids from Unitel and Multitel – Notel and Unitel kids showed fewersex-typed views than Multitel kids, evidence of stereotypes increased in Notel kids by end of study
media provides role models in stereotypical gender roles thus increases gender stereotypes.
limitation - correlation not causation
media reflects current norms - norm already prevalent in society, media may be causing norms
regular exposure to majority of kids and control group of kids who are beyond media influence isn't comparable therefore low internal validity
strength - TV adverts
Furnham & Farragher 2000 = men as professional, women in domestic/familial setting