Influence of Culture & Media on Gender Roles

    Cards (18)

    • Cultural differences by Mead 1935: New Guinea
      • Arapesh = gentle and responsive, similar Western femininity
      • Mundugumor = aggressive and hostile, similar Western masculinity
      • Tchambuli = women – dominant and organisers, men – passive and decorative, reverse Western
    • No direct biological relationship between sex and gender
    • Gender roles culturally determined
    • Underestimated universal nature of gender-typical behaviours
    • The extent to which innate behaviours are expressed is largely due to cultural norms
    • Cultural similarities by Buss 1995: mate preferences in 37 countries

      Women seek wealthy and resourceful men, men seek youthful and physically attractive women
    • Munroe & Munroe 1975
      Most divide labour based on gender – men as 'breadwinners and women as 'nurturers'
    • Media provides role models for kids to identify and imitate and therefore more likely to be reinforced
    • Rigid stereotypes are clear gender stereotypes
    • Gender stereotypes - Bussey & Bandura 1999

      • Men are independent, ambitious and 'advice-givers'
      • Women are dependent, ambitious and 'advice-seekers'
    • Furnham & Farragher 2000 = TV adverts where men in autonomous roles in professional context, women in familial roles in domestic settings
    • Media may give info to (fe)males of the success of adopting these behaviours – seeing performance of gender-appropriate behaviour increase belief they can do the same
    • What did McGhee & Frueh 1980 et al. find?
      kids w/ more exposure adopt more gender-stereotypical views
    • research
      • Mead 1935
      • Buss 1995
      • Munroe & Monroe 1975
      • Bussey & Bandura 1999
      • Furnham & Farragher 2000
      • McGhee & Frueh 1980
    • limitation - imposed epic in culture & gender role
      • John Berry 2002 = assumption of Western ways being universal but is actually meaningless when transferred to other cultures
      • should include a member of the studied population therefore most research by Westerners in cross-cultural studies, reduces internal validity
    • strength - evidence of media influence
      • Williams 1986 = kids in British Columbia (Notel) never had TV signal, questionnaire on typical boy and girl characteristics, also studied kids from Unitel and Multitel – Notel and Unitel kids showed fewer sex-typed views than Multitel kids, evidence of stereotypes increased in Notel kids by end of study
      • media provides role models in stereotypical gender roles thus increases gender stereotypes.
    • limitation - correlation not causation
      • media reflects current norms - norm already prevalent in society, media may be causing norms
      • regular exposure to majority of kids and control group of kids who are beyond media influence isn't comparable therefore low internal validity
    • strength - TV adverts
      • Furnham & Farragher 2000 = men as professional, women in domestic/familial setting
      • shows that media reinforces gender stereotypes
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