Long-term memory

Cards (13)

  • What are the two types of long term memory?
    • Explicit memory (unconscious)
    • Implicit memory (conscious)
  • What is episodic memory?
    Memories of events
  • What is some research supporting episodic memory?
    Herliz et al (1999) - females perform better than males in tasks using episodic LTM
  • What are some weaknesses of episodic memory?
    • There is overlap
    • Maybe different styles of thinking are used. Episodic - emotional, semantic - objective
  • What is semantic memory?
    Contains knowledge
  • What is some research supporting semantic memory?
    Kroenig (2007) - tested Alzheimers and non-Alzheimer’s sufferers by getting them to decide whether a drawing was an invented creature called a ‘crutter’ or not, based on a rule or a picture.
    Found both were good at direct comparison but non-Alzheimer’s Ps did better with a rule, suggesting semantic memory uses different brain processes
  • What are some strengths of semantic memory?
    • Damage to brain affects semantic memory abilities, supporting the idea that semantic memory abilities are spread through brain structures
    • May involve a network of links in different areas of the brain. Some links may be easier to access therefore easier to recall
  • What did Endel Tulving do?
    Injected 6 volunteers with radioactive gold. This was scanned for its location. Ps were asked to think about a semantic or episodic memory.
    3 inconclusive. Greater activity in the anterior cortex in episodic memories, greater activation of the posterior cortex in semantic memories.
  • What are some limitations of Tulvings study?
    • Him, his wife, and his colleague were participants, so researcher bias was present
    • Only 3/6 Ps showed results, so not generalisable
  • What are some strengths of Tulvings study?
    • Successful use of neuroimaging means it is objective and replicable
  • What is procedural LTM?
    • Implicit memory (unconscious)
    • Once we learn it we don’t have to consciously recall It
  • What is some research supporting procedural LTM?
    Finke et al (2012) - 68 year old cellist suffered damage to brain which affected episodic and semantic memory. He couldn’t remember musical facts but could still read and play music
  • What are some limitations of procedural memory?
    • Lack of research
    • Take longer to learn than implicit memories