A set of rules for how devices communicate and how data is transmitted through a network
What is a MAC address?
A number that is assigned to each individual device, it is unique and cannot be changes
What are MACs used for?
For communicating between devices on the same network, the switch in a LAN will read the MAC address and direct the data to the right device
How does communication between different networks work?
Uses IP addresses
What is an IP address?
A number that is assigned to each device on a network, it is used when sending data between networks
What is the TCP/IP protocol?
The protocol which dictates how data is sent across networks
What is the TCP protocol?
Transmission Control Protocol - Responsible for splitting up data into packets and then reassembling the packets back into the original date when it reaches its destination device
What is the IP?
Internet Protocol - Responsible for directing data packets to their destination across the network
What are the other main protocols?
What is HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol)?
Used by webbrowsers to accesswebsites and communicate with webservers
What is HTTPS?(HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure)
A moresecureversion of HTTP which encrypts all informationsent and recieved
What is FTP (FileTransferProtocol)?
Used to access, edit and movefiles between devices on a network
What is POP3 (PostOfficeProtocolversion3) ?
Used to retrieveemails from a server, Server holds email until you download it, then it is deleted
What is IMAP (internetmessagingaccessprotocol)?
Used to retrieve emails from a server, the server hold the email until youdeleteit
What is SMTP (SimpleMailTransferProtocol)?
Used to send emails and transfer emails between servers
What are network protocols divided into?
What is a layer?
A group of protocols which have similar functions
Advantages of using layers:
Breaksnetworkcommunication down into manageable pieces
layers can be changed without others being affected