Cards (8)

  • Force
    The means of making somebody comply or overcoming resistance to what you want to have in order to protect life or property or to take a person into custody
  • Anti-landlord campaign
    1. Mao rounds up landlords
    2. Puts them on trial in front of peasants
    3. Peasants declare them guilty
    4. Landlords are beaten and executed
  • Estimates of deaths from the anti-landlord campaign range from 200,000 to 5 million in the first 3 years of Mao's rule
  • Laogai
    Camps set up for people charged with crimes against the government, where they are subjected to harsh labor and re-education
  • The Laogai system was legitimized in 1951 and still exists today
  • Crimes that could lead to being sent to the Laogai
    • Criticizing Mao, the government, or communism
    • Landlordism
    • Counterrevolutionary activities
    • Common crimes
  • By 1954, the list of crimes punishable by being sent to the Laogai had grown to 50 offenses
  • Mao used the threat of the Laogai to maintain power and control over the people