”well just forget it’ said Crooks ‘Ididn’tmeanit.Jus’foolingIwouldn’twanttogonoplacelikethat”. - says crooks after curleys wife destroys his confidence
”If you guys want a hand to work for nothing - just his keep, why I’d come an’ lend a hand” - Crooks while talking to Candy and Lennie in his room
Curley’swife destroys this idea when she destroys his confidence and his hopes for the future with the threat to get him “strung on atree”
“I coulda made somethin’ of myself” - Curley’s wife talking to Lennie just before he kills her.
“When they can me here I wish some body’d shootme” - candy after they shoot his
“so I married Curley” - Marries Curley because as a women in 1930's she had very few options. She also believes that her mother destroys her letter but in reality it was most likely neversent - shows her naivety
”Live off the fatta the land” - George, Self sufficient
”We’d belong there… we’d have our own place where we belonged” - George, Security