How does this stanza (3rd) showcase his internal struggle with his racial identity?
1. Racist phrases - First line
2. British heritage - second line
Clash between past and present - History and heritage
Battle based on others perception of his identity, which influences his ideas
Jamaican British has Iambic Pentameter until 'Half-caste...'.
'you cannot love sugar and hate your sweetness' - Jamaican British
'When knowing how to war is Jamaican British' - Poem finishes without having any resolution to his questions. Accepts that this internal conflict might be a fundamental part of being Jamaican British
'Jamaican, British?' - Jamaican British
Ceasura forces the reader to pause between the two nationalities, creating a clear physical divide symbolic of the poets own internal struggle
Iambic pentameter - In wales wanting to be italian
Rhetorical question and ambiguous opening add to sense of confusion and uncertainty, allowing the reader to feel as confused as the poet - In wales wanting to be italian
Semantic field of longing and desperation created by lexical choices such as 'longing' 'wanting' and 'dying' - In wales wanting to be italian