The branch of medicine focusing on diseases of the skeletal and muscular systems caused by infections, tumor, endocrine disease, and inherited disorders.
Joint pain. A common complaint following injury to a joint.
Genu Valgum
Knees angle in and touch each other when legs are straightened.
Commonly called knock-knees.
Genu Varum
Outward bowing of the leg
often called bow legged or bandy legged.
A genetic disease causing dwarfism. A dwarf or ‘little person’ is an individual with abnormally short limbs and stature.
A nonconstructed term.
An abnormal enlargement of the joint at the base of the big toe, due to inflammation of a bursa.
A broken bone.
Colles’ fx
a break in the distal part of the radius.
posterior displacement fx of the distal radius
Comminuted fx
fracture results in fragmentation of the bone.
Compression fx
crushed break
mostly sa mga nag-i-sky diving
Nondisplaced or oblique fx
the broken bones retain their alignment
Kyphosis - hump
Lordosis - bent forward
inflammation of the bone marrow including the bone - osteomyelitis
Contrary disease of dwarfism/achondroplasia: acromegaly = gigantism.
smith’s fx - anterior displacement of the distal radius
Monteggia fx - fracture of ulnar shaft and head.
Galeazzi fx - fracture of distal radius and ulna
Essex fx(comminuted fracture of distal radius and ulna) - radial head and distal radio-ulna
Barton’s Fx - intra articular fracture of distal radius and with carpal dislocation
Hutchinson's or chauffeur fx - exaggerated rotation of wrist, overextension in spiral motion.
Bennet's fx - transverse fx of the 1st MCP (metacarpophalangeal)
Rolando's fx - comminuted fx of the 1st MCP/CMC (carpo metacarpal)
Boxer's fx - fracture of the 5th metacarpal
Tillaux fx (salter harris III) - fracture of the lateral margin of the tibia