Total number of organisms belonging to the same group or species living in a particular geographical area and is capable of interbreeding
Genes, genetic variation, heredity - strong link with information systems
Population Genetics
Study of genetic variation within and among populations and how these changes across generations
The study of populations is intimately related to the study of evolution
It is the population, not the individual that evolved
Evolution can be defined in terms of what happens to the genetic structure of a population over time
Populations typically undergo changes in
Size (number of individuals)
Composition (extent of phenotypic variation)
Behavior (mating behavior)
Charles Darwin saw evolution in these terms
Charles Darwin agreed with Malthus who proposed that populations could in theory increase in size exponentially
Thomas Malthus
British philosopher and economist, best known for his theories about population growth
But not in practice because of resource limitations: food and space
Natural Selection
Organisms that are more adapted to their environment are more likely to survive and pass on the genes that aided their success
Natural selection causes species to change and diverge over time
Darwin proposed that in most situations in nature there will be competition to survive and reproduce and that this was governed by a process - natural selection
This implies a better chance of reproducing – leaving offspring
If the variation which increased the chances of survival were to be inherited, then the offspring would also have a better chance of survival and reproduction
Over time any gene variant that contributed to a selective advantage would increase in frequency in the population
A group of individuals that interbreed freely and randomly
In general a population will consist of members of a species between which breeding can occur
Gene Pool
The sum of all alleles at all gene loci in the population
Alternative form or versions of a gene
One of the numbered chromosomes
Humans have 22 pairs of autosomes and one pair of sex chromosomes (XX or XY)
Dominant gene
One that is expressed in an organism's phenotype, or physical appearance, when present
Recessive gene
One that is only expressed in an organism's phenotype when two copies of the recessive allele are present
Dominant genes mask the expression of recessive genes
If there are only two alleles for a gene, one dominant and one recessive, then 100% of the alleles are either dominant (p) or recessive (q)
What can allele frequencies tell us about a population?
1. Whether the gene pool is stable or undergoing change
2. We can estimate the rate of change
3. If we know the rate of change, we can make predictions about likely future trends
4. This has important applications in conservation of wild populations and in captive breeding programs</b>
Hardy-Weinberg Theorem or Equation
A fundamental concept in Population Genetics that states the frequencies of alleles and genotypes in a population's gene pool will remain constant from generation to generation unless acted upon by factors other than sexual recombination
Conditions for Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium
The population is infinitely large or at least large enough so that no sampling errors occur
Within the population mating occurs at random
There is no selective advantage for any genotype (all gametes are equally viable and fertile)
There is no mutation
There is no migration
These parameters describe a non-evolving population
Hardy-Weinberg equation
p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1
A non-evolving population is the exception rather than the rule
If a population is evolving, then allele frequencies will change over time i.e. the composition of the gene pool will change from one generation to the next
Evolution on a small scale, referring to changes in a population's gene pool even if the frequency of alleles are changing for only a single locus
5 causes of microevolution
Genetic drift
Gene flow
Non-random mating
Natural selection
Genetic drift
Random changes in allele frequencies because of chance fluctuations in population size
Genetic drift in a population can lead to the elimination of an allele from a population by chance
Any natural disaster that causes a population crash will have a high probability of changing allele frequencies in the next generation
Bottleneck effect
Certain alleles will be over-represented in the survivor population and other alleles will be under-represented