Statistical Testing

Cards (6)

  • If asked to identify/justify a stats test, you must reference:
    > test of difference or correlation
    > experimental design
    > level of measurement
  • Stats Test Table - Nominal Data:
    > repeated - sign test
    > independent - chi squared
    > correlation - chi squared
  • Stats Test Table - Ordinal Data:
    > repeated - wilcoxon
    > independent - mann whitney u
    > correlation - spearman's rho
  • Stats Test Table - Interval Data:
    > repeated - related t-test
    > independent - unrelated t-test
    > correlation - pearson's r
  • Interpreting Stats Tests:
    > one or two tailed hypothesis
    > number of participants or degrees of freedom
    > level of significance
    > calculated and critical values
    > interpret the findings using the statement
  • Calculating a Sign Test:
    > subtract the scores
    > add up the pluses, minuses and equals (the number of participants with equals are removed from the number of participants)
    > the less frequent sign is the calculated value
    > compare to the critical value to determine significance