Economic implications - whether research will benefit or negatively impact the economy (tax)
Economic Implications - Mental Health:
> absence from work costs the economy over £15 billion a year
> a third of all absences are due to mild and moderatementalhealthconditions
> psychological research into effective treatments can have a huge benefit for the economy e.g. combining drug therapy and CBT
Economic Implications - Mental Health AO3:
:) a combination of theories mean individuals can manage their condition effectively and return to work, saving the economy money
:) this reduces the strain on the NHS as less individuals will be admitted for treatment
:( combined treatment is more expensive, which reduces the financial benefit for the economy
Economic Implications - Attachment:
> research into multiple attachments has shifted the importance to more shared parenting, and increased the importance of the father in child rearing
> research has found both parents are equallycapable of providing the emotional support necessary for a child to have healthypsychologicaldevelopment
Economic Implications - Attachment AO3:
:( fathers are now entitled to shared paternity leave, which costs the economy
:) due to flexible working hours within the family, it is the norm that both parents earn money, which maximises their income and contributes to the economy
Economic Implications - Social Influence:
> research into conformity can be used to influence the economy
> for example, the finding that individuals have the desire to be right (ISI) has been used by hotels - presenting statistics on hotel guests towel use and water waste had significantly reduced hotel guests' towel consumption
Economic Implications - Social Influence AO3:
:) changes individuals' behaviour, such as excess water use, which benefits the environment, which then benefits the economy as less money is used to protect the environment from water waste
Economic Implications - Eye Witness Testimony:
> research into leading questions has influenced the economy
> led to the development of the cognitive interview, to improve the accuracy of an individual's eye witness testimony