
Cards (10)

  • random sampling
    = all people from the target population have equal chance of being selected (names in a hat)
  • random sampling evaluation
    :) eliminates researcher bias = not choosing
    :( sample may not be truly representative = lacks population validity
    (may pull all females)
    :( requires a list of all people in the target population
  • volunteer sampling
    = people within a sample frame reply to a request/advertisement
  • volunteer sampling evaluation
    :) minimal effort for researcher
    :) likely to be motivated for the study
    :( biased by location/audience of ad
    :( low population validity + generalizability (only people interested would reply)
  • systematic sampling
    = people from a larger population are selected at a fixed interval (database, every nth person)
  • systematic sampling evaluation
    :) no researcher bias when selecting
    :) simple and easy to use on a wide scale
    :( may not be truly representative sample (all females)
  • opportunity sampling
    = people are easily accessible, readily accessible and willing to take part (an existing class of students)
  • opportunity sampling evaluation
    :) convenient and easy to collect ps (class of students)
    :( may be biased if researcher is more or less likely to choose a specific type of person
    :( less likely to have population validity (ps are a certain group of people)
  • stratified sampling
    = dividing a population into smaller groups based on shared attributes or characteristics and an appropriate % that's representative of the group is selected
    (60% 1st yrs, 40% 2nd yrs = 6ppl 1st yr and 4ppl 2nd yr
  • stratified sampling evaluation
    :) increased precision in selected ps
    :) can use on a wide scale
    :( difficult to analyse results