Drug products/preparations containing active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) and excipients/additives/adjuncts
Drug Delivery System
Drug products that allow the uniform release and targeting of drugs into the body
An agent intended for use in diagnosis, cure, treatment, mitigation or prophylaxis in man and other animals - affects the structure or any function of the body
Excipients (adjuncts or additives)
Nontherapeutic ingredients which improve the physical characteristics and efficacy of a drug in a dosage form. Role: make drugs more appealing and efficacious. Use: solubilize, suspend, emulsify, dilute, stabilize, preservatives, color, flavor, etc.
Any substance/preparation intended to be placed in contact with external parts of human body or with teeth and mucous membranes of oral cavity, with a view exclusively or mainly to cleaning them, perfuming them, correcting body odors, changing their appearance, protecting them and/or keeping them in good condition
Food Supplement
Processed food products that help supplement the diet, may contain dietary ingredients such as vitamins, minerals, herbs, amino acids, and other dietary substances, take various forms including liquids, capsules, powders, etc., except parenteral
The process of combining, mixing, or altering ingredients to create a medication tailored to the needs of an individual patient
Local effects
Felt in general area of administration, common route: topical
Systemic effects
Occur in tissues distant from the site of contact between the body and the drug, drug must enter the bloodstream, common route: oral and parenteral
Mixtures of finely divided drugs and/or chemicals in a dry form which may be intended for internal or external use
Advantages: rapid dispersion of ingredients, flexibility in compounding, good chemical stability. Disadvantages: inaccuracy of dose, not suitable for unpleasant-tasting, deliquescent and hygroscopic drugs
USP Classification of Powders by Sieve Number
Very coarse (no. 8)
Coarse (no. 20)
Moderately coarse (no. 40)
Fine (no. 60)
Very fine (no. 80)
Compounding of Powders
1. Comminution: Trituration, Levigation, Pulverization by Intervention
Solid dosage forms which are prepared mainly by compression or molding
Advantages: uniform content, less manufacturing cost, easy to package and ship, simple to identify, most stable of all oral dosage form, tamperproof. Disadvantages: some drugs resist compression, some drugs require encapsulation prior to compression