vocab synonyms and antonyms

Cards (19)

  • nefarious
    synonyms - vile, villainous, vicious, iniquitous
    antonyms - ethical, moral, virtuous, scrupulous
  • patrician
    synonyms - aristocratic , blue - blooded , high born, genteel
    antonyms - proletarian, plebeian, canaille
  • lacerate
    synonyms - incise, mangle, pierce
    antonyms - spick- and - span, unused, new
  • query
    synonyms - skepticism, incertitude, suspicion , uncertainty
    antonyms - conviction, assurance, certainty
  • queue
    synonyms - sequence, file , align, array
    antonyms - derange, disarrange
  • languish
    synonyms - fade, wither, deteriorate, degenerate
    antonyms - recuperate, convalesce, recover
  • martial
    synonyms - military, soldierly, guerrilla, mercenary
    antonyms - civil, nonmilitary, peaceful
  • havoc
    synonyms - jumble, riot, disorderliness
    antonyms - order, system, pattern
  • pall
    synonyms - a coffin, cloud, veil, subside
    antonyms - accumulate , increase, expand
  • modicum
    synonyms - semblance, shred, whit, hint
  • guile
    synonyms - sneakiness, deviousness, cleverness
    antonyms - sincerity, directness
  • rancid
    synonyms - obscene, revolting, sickening, nasty
    antonyms - inoffensive, appealing, desirable
  • fester
    synonyms - papule, pustule, pock, rot, decompose
    antonyms - develop, ripen, mature
  • deluge
    synonyms - torrent, blizzard, flux
    antonyms - drought, trickle dribble
  • Eerie
    synonyms - unearthly, bizarre, unusual
    antonyms - normal, everyday , typical, usual
  • catholic
    synonyms - unrestricted, unspecified, multipurpose, general
    antonyms - specialized, restricted, technical, confined
  • careen
    synonyms - lurch, stagger, scurry
    antonyms - creep, linger , dawdle
  • beneficiary
    synonyms - claimant, inheritor, devisee
  • aplomb
    synonyms - composure, confidence, serenity, pomposity
    antonyms - difference, insecurity, self -doubt