Cards (3)

  • USA Economic and Military Superiority
    1. Provided military equipment and supplies to the Allied countries fighting against the Nazis.

    1939: 'Cash & Carry' policy - USA started selling goods and weapons to Allies.
    Condition: They must be paid in cash and the Allies had to transport the goods on their own.
    1941: 'Lend-Lease' programme - USA sold goods and weapons to Allies on credit basis. They could pay USA later, and need not pay in cash nor arrange their own transport.

    2. After the Pearl Harbour attack on 7 Dec 1941, USA officially joined WWII.
    3. Instead of indirectly providing supplies, now US contributed troops, weapons, ammunition, food, raw materials and equipment directly.
  • USA Effective Strategies and Collaboration with the Allies
    1. Germans U-boats have been sinking Allied ships carrying essential supplies.
    2. US navy escorted convoys carrying supplies to Europe to protect them
    3. British intelligence services had successfully cracked the German naval codes in 1943 and could steer clear of the U-boats.
    4. US Air force & navy attacked U-boats, aided by new anti-sub weapons & radar.
    5. US also increased their production of cargo ships to the point where the Allies had more ships than the U-boats could sink
    6. The Allies successfully achieved control of the Atlantic.
    Allies could transport war materials freely to Europe, making subsequent campaigns like D-Day possible.
  • USA Atomic Bomb
    1. Japan was unwilling to accept unconditional surrender, seemed committed to fight to the death.
    2. End the war quickly to minimise casualties from an invasion of the Japanese home islands.
    3. Prevent Soviet dominance in Asia.
    4. Devastating harm to civilians, with lasting damage from atomic radiation.
    5. Japan was already considering surrender and
    weakened by military losses and lack of resources.
    6. Conventional methods would eventually result in
    their defeat, especially considering USSR had just
    joined in the war against Japan.