
Cards (12)

  • Problems
    1. Strong Protestantism
    2. Political elites had no desire to to return their Church land
    3. Pope Julius III demanded obedience from Church to Rome for ex-Church property dispensation
    4. debates against Pole due to Act of Repeal
  • Act of Repeal
    1557 Pole dismissed as papal legate by Pope Paul IV
  • How Mary proceeded with caution to ensure eradication of Protestantism
    1. deprived Protestant clergy of their livings; foreign Protestants forced to leave
    2. 1st Parliament 1553
    3. Pope Julius agreed to not claim back sold Church land
    4. Cardinal Pole sent to England - to facilitate reform
    5. 3rd Parliament 1554-5
  • 1st Parliament 1553
    repealed Edwardian religious legislation and upheld legal status of Church of England
  • 3rd Parliament 1554-5
    restored heresy laws to kill deniers of papal supremacy
  • 1555 Act of Supremacy
    Pope as leader of Church again
  • social impact
    persecution and burning of Protestants - Cranmer, Ridley and Latimer
  • Mary became unpopular by end of reign due to persecution
  • government
    Paget wasn't fully supportive of her agenda to make England fully Catholic therefore she picked councillors from Edward's reign who were more sympathetic to Catholicism but this fuelled religious division therefore she reappointed Catholic churchmen from Henry VIII's reign.
    1555 Parliament had defeated bill that allow seizure of Protestant exiles' property - reluctance towards Catholicism
  • foreign policy
    1555 election of Pope Paul IV limited success of restoring papal supremacy - he was anti-Spain and renewed war against France.
    By siding with Spain, she indirectly went against the papacy too which wasn't a good for her reputation as daughter of Catholic Church.
  • rebellion
    Wyatt rebellion also sought to prevent pro-Catholic change
  • humanism/religion

    Pope Paul IV disregarded Erasmus as heretic therefore banned his books