explaining depression

Cards (13)

  • cognitive explanations of depression - Beck
    -negative schemas can develop in response to unhappy childhood experiences (rejection and criticism)
    -these schemas create systematic cognitive biases = everything being viewed negatively
  • what are schemas?
    -packets of knowledge that are accumulated over time to help you in different situations
  • what is overgeneralisation?

    -general conclusions based on single negative events
    e.g. "i can't cook after burning a cake"
  • what is magnification?

    -exaggerating small problems into far larger ones
  • becks cognitive triad
    -a negative triad of thinking (self, world, future)
  • cognitive explanations of depression - Ellis' ABC model
    =people mistakenly blaming external events for their illness
    (their interpretation is what leads to depression)
  • Ellis' ABC model
    A - activating event that triggers B (failing mock exam)
    B - beliefs about the event (i cant do exams)
    C - consequences (quit college/become depressed)
  • non-depressed people may react completely differently to the same activating event, the difference is self perception
  • explaining depression AO3 - supporting evidence
    Boury et al 2001 - monitored students negative thoughts
    • depressives misinterpreted facts/experiences negatively and felt hopeless about the future
    :( can lie on a self report
    :( depressives typically magnify their experiences
    :( done on students - population validity
  • explaining depression AO3 - cause & effect
    -does negative thinking cause depression or is it the other way around?
    • temple wisconsin study - measured students thinking styles every few months
    = 17% who scored high on negative thinking tests developed depression but only 1% who scored low did
  • explaining depression AO3 - blaming patient
    -blaming the patients thinking processes could feed into their low self esteem and make them feel worse
    :) could empower them and help them realise that they are in control and can think positively
  • explaining depression AO3 - other factors
    • situational factors
    • biological factors = low serotonin or genetics (hereditary)
  • explaining depression AO3 - IRL application
    -cognitive behavioural therapy
    • typically very effective which supports the idea that cognition plays a key role in causing depression