treating depression

    Cards (11)

    • what is 1 type of cognitive behavioural therapy is used to treat depression?
      -rational emotive behavioural therapy (REBT)
    • what is REBT
      -based on the assumption that depression is caused by the way the patient views themself and the world.
      -it teaches them to identify maladaptive thought processes and replace them with more adaptive ones to reduce depression
    • ABCDE structure: and afterwards:
      A - activating event
      B - beliefs about event
      C - consequences
      D - disputing the irrational beliefs
      E - effective new beliefs to replace the maladaptive ones
      after: client learns to identify, challenge and change their own irrational beliefs
    • what is behavioural activation?

      -patients are asked to complete homework assignments to put the process into practice in real life
    • what are the two types of disputing
    • what is empirical disputing?

      -identifying when the self-defeating beliefs are inconsistent with reality/evidence
    • what is logical disputing?

      -emphasising the lack of usefulness in self-defeating beliefs
    • REBT AO3 - effectiveness
      -cuijpers 2013 reviewed 75 studies on the outcome of treatments
      = cbt was superior to no treatment
      + was especially effective when combined with drug therapy (anti depressants) that control biological factors (low serotonin)

      :( second hand data + temporal validity
    • REBT AO3 - ignores other factors
      -situational factors
      -biological factors (low serotonin = depression) + hereditary
    • REBT AO3 - not a quick fix
      -requires commitment, motivation and effort
      -on average, 27 sessions are needed
    • REBT AO3 - expensive
      -therapists charge between £50-100 per session (unless NHS but that is in very short supply)
      -however, antidepressants are cheap but:
      :( dependency, side effects, dont get to the root cause