Week 4.2

    Cards (38)

    • Principles of Pathology: Molecular causes of carcinogenesis
    • Lecture Overview
      • What causes tumours to form?
      • Chemical carcinogenesis
      • Hormonal carcinogenesis
      • Viral carcinogenesis
      • Bacterial/parasitic carcinogenesis
      • Chronic inflammation carcinogenesis
    • When were carcinogens first identified?
    • Lecture Overview
      • Overview of carcinogenesis
      • Chemical carcinogenesis
      • Hormonal carcinogenesis
      • Viral carcinogenesis
      • Bacterial/parasitic carcinogenesis
      • Chronic inflammation carcinogenesis
    • Carcinogen
      Any agent that produces cancer
    • Examples Carcinogens

      • tobacco smoke
      • certain industrial chemicals
      • ionizing radiation (such as X-rays and ultraviolet rays)
    • Types of Carcinogens
      • Genotoxic (direct DNA damaging carcinogens)
      • Non-Genotoxic (damage DNA as result of secondary interactions, e.g. increase of oxidative stress, inflammation)
    • Types of Genotoxic Carcinogens
      • Direct - no modification needed (eg. anti-tumoral chemotherapeutic drugs)
      • Pro-carcinogens - modified by intracellular enzymes to become carcinogenic
    • Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)
      1. Benzo[a]pyrene is initially oxidized, primarily by the microsomal NADPH- dependent cytochrome P-450, to several arene oxides
      2. Benzo[a]pyrene derivates can bind and damage DNA
      3. Benzo[a]pyrene itself can bind AR (Aryl hydrocarbon receptor) and activate gene expression: cytochromes, MAP kinases, IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor-1)
    • Certain strains of the fungi Aspergillus flavus and A. parasiticus produce Aflatoxin B1
    • Oltipraz
      Inhibits activation by p450s, and induces detoxification pathways
    • Evidence that aflatoxin ingestion through contaminated foodstuffs is one of the major etiological factors in human hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in China and sub-Saharan Africa
    • Tumor Promoters
      • Promoting agents are not carcinogenic per se; they cannot cause cancer on their own
      • Can promote cancer if administered after very small doses of initiating (true carcinogenic) agents
      • Promoting agents can 'wake up' tumours a long time after administration of initiating agent
    • Initiation, promotion and persistence
      Latency is represented by the time interval between exposure to the initiating agent and the growth of a detectable neoplasm
    • Professions and industries associated with high risk of cancer
      • Aluminium industry (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)) - lung and bladder
      • Coal industry (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)) - lungs, bladder, skin, scrotum cancer
      • Shoemaking (Benzene) - lymphomas, leukemias
      • Furniture making (Wood dust) - nasopharyngeal cancer
      • Fuchsin dye production (Fuchsin, ortho-toluidine) - bladder cancer
      • Rubber industry (Aromatic amines, solvents) - lung, colon, stomach, bladder, etc
    • How to block carcinogen-dependent tumorigenesis
      • Block carcinogen uptake into body/cells
      • Inhibition of carcinogen formation/activation by blocking Cyt P450
      • Stimulate carcinogen deactivation
      • Inhibit DNA adduct formation (antioxidants)
      • Stimulation of DNA repair
    • Hormonal carcinogenesis
      • Oestrogens stimulate proliferation of epithelial cells and oestrogen metabolites are genotoxic
      • Xeno-oestrogens (DDE and other insecticides) are structurally similar to diethylstibestron
      • Genistein from Soybean and other phytoestrogenes
      • Digitalis, Sulfonamide antimicrobials
      • Oral contraception, Hormone Replacement Therapy (oestrogen should be counterbalanced by progesterone)
    • DNA-containing Oncoviruses
      • Polyomaviridae
      • Papillomaviridae (Human papillomavirus (HPV 16, 18))
      • Adenoviridae
      • Poxviridae (Jabavirus, tanapoxvirus, Contagious mollusc virus)
      • Herpesviridae (Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), Kaposi' sarcoma virus (KHSV), Marek disease virus, American rabbit virus)
      • Hepadnaviridae (Hepatitis B virus, Woodchuck hepatitis virus, Duck hepatitis virus)
    • Mechanism of DNA-containing Oncoviruses
      • The viral genome is integrated into host cell DNA
      • Neoplastic transformation is a postulated consequence
    • RNA-containing Oncoviruses
      • Alpharetrovirus (Rous sarcoma virus (RSV), Chicken lympholeukosis)
      • Betaretrovirus (Mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV))
      • Gammaretrovirus (Moloney sarcoma virus (mouse), Feline sarcoma (FSV))
      • Deltaretrovirus (Bovine leukosis, Human adult T-cell leukemia virus (HTLV))
    • Mechanism of 'Acute' Transforming RNA Virus
      • Transduction into the host cell of an RNA transcript of a cellular oncogene picked up from another cell
      • DNA transcripts are made from the RNA conveyed by the virus using the enzyme reverse transcriptase
    • Mechanism of 'Slow' Transforming RNA Virus

      • DNA transcripts are made from the RNA conveyed by the virus using the enzyme reverse transcriptase
      • Insertion of a viral promoter gene next to a cellular oncogene
    • HTLV-1 (human T-cell lymphotropic virus)
      1. Sexually transmitted
      2. Endemic to Japan and the Caribbean
      3. causes Adult T-cell leukemia (Sezary T-cell leukemia)
    • HTLV-2
      1. T variant of hairy cell leukemia
      2. endemic to Native American Indian populations
      3. seroprevalence is over 50%
    • Pathogenesis of HTLV-1-induced T-cell leukemia/lymphoma
    • Human papillomaviruses - HPV6 and HPV18
      • Causative agents for female cervical carcinomas, as well as for genital and regular warts
      • May integrate into the genome or persist as episomal form
    • Bacterial and parasitic carcinogenesis
      • Helicobacter pylori (stomach lymphomas/ gastric tumours)
      • Schistosomiasis (bladder carcinoma)
    • Helicobacter pylori
      • Linked to MALT lymphoma and gastric carcinoma
      • Both cellular and humoural immune responses are activated but the bacteria still manage to persist lifelong unless eradicated with antibiotics
      • H. pylori overlies and enters the gastric epithelial cells
      • H. pylori causes more than 90% of duodenal ulcers and up to 80% of gastric ulcers
    • Infected persons have a 2- to 6-fold increased risk of developing gastric tumor
    • Treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers
      • Lowering of gastric acidity (life-long, relapse after cesation of therapy): H2-receptor blockers, proton pump inhibitors
      • Antibiotics (10 days to 2 weeks): Amoxicillin or metronidazole, or clarithromycin, plus either: ranitidine bismuth citrate or bismuth subsalicylate
      • Eradication rates range from 61% to 94% depending on the regimen used
    • Schistosomiasis
      • Fresh water snail is an intermediate host
      • On contact with humans, the parasite burrows into the skin, matures into another larval stage (schistosomula), then migrates to the lungs and liver (where it matures into the adult form)
      • The adult worm then migrates to the intestine, liver or bladder
    • In Egypt, schistosomiasis linked with cancer is the primary cause of death among men aged 20 - 44
    • Inflammatory carcinogenesis
      • All pro-inflammatory agents are tumour promoters
      • Anti-inflammatory agents can reverse action of some tumor promoters (e.g. anti-inflammatory steroids (dexamethasone))
      • Any type of chronic tissue wounding can promote carcinogeneis – e.g. tumour can arise on chronic ulcer, burn, trauma site
    • Reading: Tortora and Derrickson, Principles of Anatomy and Physiology. Chapter 24.
    • Reading: Vogelstein, B., Sur, S. & Prives, C., 2010. p53: The Most Frequently Altered Gene in Human Cancers. Nature Education. 3:6: http://www.nature.com/scitable/topicpage/p53-the-most-frequently-altered-gene-in-14192717
    • Reading: Chow, A. Y., 2010. Cell Cycle Control by Oncogenes and Tumor Suppressors: Driving the Transformation of Normal Cells into Cancerous Cells. Nature Education. 3:7. http://www.nature.com/scitable/topicpage/cell-cycle-control-by-oncogenes-and-tumor-14191459
    • Reading: Ralston, A., Hoopes, L. & Shaw, K., 2008. Environmental factors like viral infections play a role in the onset of complex disease. Nature Education. 1:123 http://www.nature.com/scitable/topicpage/environmental-factors-like-viral-infections-play-a-996
    • Types of Genotoxic Carcinogens