Cards (28)

  • What does infectious mean
    Disease caused by a pathogen
  • What does contagious mean
    Spreads from person to person
  • What does communicable mean
    Spreads from host to host
  • What does zoonotic mean
    Spreads from animal to person
  • What is an epidemic
    A disease outbreak that attacks many people at the same time in one area
  • What is an endemic
    Exists permanently in a specific area
  • What is a pandemic
    An epidemic that spread globally like Covid
  • What is disease diffusion
    Process by which a particular disease spreads outwards from its source
  • What is expansion diffusion
    Where the disease spreads outwards into new areas when the main source remains infected
  • What is relocation diffusion
    When a disease leaves area of origin and infects a new place
  • What is contagious diffusion
    When it passes person to person and spreads via direct contact
  • What is hierarchical diffusion
    Spreads in an ordered sequence of places
  • What is hagerstrands diffusion model
    A graph based on three concepts that shows 4 steps on how diseases diffuse
  • What are the three concepts of hargerstrands diffusion model
    Neighbourhood effect
    S shaped model
    physical barriers
  • What is the neighbourhood effect
    When people live close to eachother the disease may spread faster
  • What are the four steps in hargerstrands model 

    Primary step - strong contrast in disease incidence
    expansion step - diffusion occurs and there are new outbreaks
    condensation step - number of cases equals out
    saturation step - diffusion decelerates as the incidence reaches its peak
  • What are some physical barriers to disease diffusion
  • What are socioeconomic barriers to disease diffusion
    Political borders
  • What are criticisms of hagerstrands model
    Globalisation has meant diseases can spread much faster
    eradication isn’t taken into account
  • What is a vector
    Living organisms that can transmit infectious diseases between humans or from animals to humans
  • How is malaria spread
    Female mosquitoes carry the parasite
  • Why is malaria mostly found in lidcs
    Low health care
  • How does rainfall affect the prevalence of malaria
    Prevalent in areas with over 1000mm of rain. Eggs are laid in stagnant water
  • How does temperature affect prevalence of malaria
    More eggs are laid in higher temperatures and the larvae develop faster.
  • How does poverty affect prevalence of malaria
    When people live in slums stagnant water and rubbish dumps becomes breeding grounds
  • how does climate change influence diseases like malaria
    As climate increases the mosquitos will be able to survive in new places so there may be more cases.
  • A one degree rise in temp could lead to how many new cases 

    3 million
  • Give an example of a disease caused by climate change
    Anthrax - was frozen but after the thawing of the permafrost it spread from reindeer to humans and 2300 reindeer died