Food tech

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  • Amino Acid
    Simpler units of protein, made up of long chains.
  • Antioxidants
    Prevent rancidity developing in fats by either absorbing oxygen.
  • Beri-beri
    A muscle wasting disease due to lack of vitamin B1 (thiamin) in the diet.
  • Cholesterol
    A fatty substance known as a lipid which is found in blood and in food.
  • Disaccharide
    A carbohydrate made from 2 sugar molecules ('di' means two)
  • Free radicals
    Chemicals that can cause us harm. Antioxidants will protect the body from these harmful free radicals.
  • Haemoglobin
    the part of the blood that contains iron, carries oxygen through the body, and gives blood its red colour.
  • Hydrogenation
    The process of changing a liquid or fat to a solid one at room temperature by the addition of hydrogen.
  • Monosaccharide
    A simple carbohydrate ('mono' means one)
  • Pellagra
    Deficiency disease caused by the lack of Vitamin B3 (niacin). Causes skin, nerve and mental problems.
  • Rickets
    The disease caused by the lack of vitamin D. The bones become soft and weak.
  • Starch
    A polysaccharide made from chains of glucose. The two types are amylose and amylopectin.
  • Textured vegetable protein (TVP)
    Usually refers to soya protein which is produced from the soya bean and is defatted. The TVP is either extruded or spun into meat-like cubes.
  • Allergen
    A substance that can cause an allergic reaction.
  • Agitate
    To stir, shake or disturb a liquid.
  • Aeration
    Incorporating air into a mixture.
  • Anaerobic
    Being able to exist without oxygen.
  • Anaemia
    A condition where the body lacks enough healthy red blood cells or haemoglobin.
  • Balanced Diet
    A diet which provides all the necessary nutrients in the correct amount to meet the body's need.
  • Basted
    when fats or juices are poured over something (usually meat) while cooking in order to keep it moist and to add flavour.
  • Biodegradable
    Decomposed by bacteria or other living organisms
  • Blanched
    Cooked to enable the skin to be removed.
  • Blood sugar
    How much glucose is in the blood
  • Bran
    The fragments of grain husk that are separated from flour after milling.
  • Caramelisation
    A change in the food's molecular structure due to the removal of water resulting in a nutty flavour and brown colour.
  • Carbon footprint
    A carbon footprint measures the total carbon dioxide emissions caused directly and indirectly by a person, organisation, event or product.
  • Carotenoids
    Pigment or colour found in plants.
  • Cellulose
    An insoluble substance which is the main constituent of plant cell walls.
  • Coagulate
    To become solid or to set.
  • Coagulation
    An irreversible change to proteins from a liquid or semi liquid state to a solid state.
  • Conduction
    Heat is transferred between 2 surfaces by direct contact, and molecules in each surface pass heat to each other.
  • Consistency
    Thickness or viscosity
  • Control Recipe
    A standard recipe and method with which you compare your other results
  • Convection
    Heat is transferred by the circulation of either a heated liquid or gas.
  • Coronary Heart Disease (CHD)
    A narrowing of the arteries that supply your heart with oxygen-rich blood, due to the build up of fatty material within their walls.
  • Creaming
    When sugar is combined with solid fat , typically butter.
  • Cross-contamination
    The transfer of bacteria from one food to another, from humans, animals, other food or equipment.
  • Cuisine
    A style of cooking
  • Culture
    A way of life, the general customs and beliefs of a particular group of people at a particular time.
  • Dairy intolerance
    Usually a condition caused by the body being unable to process lactose, a natural sugar found in milk and dairy.