a type of personality that is believed to be especially susceptible to obeying people in authority. These people are also thought to be submissive to those of higherstatus and dismissive of inferiors
what is a dispositional explanation?
any explanation that highlights the importance of the individuals personality
Who suggested the Authoritarian personality?
Adorno et al
where does the authoritarian personality originate from?
childhood, through harsh parenting, extremely strict discipline, expectation of absolute loyalty. Also categorised by conditionallove
How did Adorno et al investigate the authoritarian personality?
investigates unconscious attitudes towards other ethnicgroups with 2000 white middle class Americans. The F-scale was produces.. Authoritarians scored high on the F-scale. They had fixed and distinctive stereotypes about other groups
Strength of The authoritarian personality
Research Support that Authoritarians are obedient - Milgram and Elms conducted interviews a with fully obedient participants who scored high on the F-Scale, correlation between obedience and Authoritarian personality
Limitation of Authoritarian Personality
cant explain a wholecountries behaviour - eg Pre War Germany, millions displayed obedient, racist and anti-Semitic behaviour, it is impossible to generalise an entirecountry, could be something else causing obedience
Limitation of F-Scale
Politically biased, Christie and Jahoda suggest it aims towards extreme right-wing ideology, but left-wingauthoritarianism also insists on complete obedience to political authority, therefore Adornos theory is not a comprehensive explanation as is doesn’t explain left-wing