Nature of God in Christianity

Cards (111)

  • Christians believe in the Trinity - one God, all-loving and all-powerful, in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit
  • All (the Trinity) were present at the creation of the world and they each fulfil different roles
  • God the Son
    Jesus Christ; the second person of the Trinity
  • God the Holy Spirit
    The third person of the Trinity. Active as God's presence and power in the world
  • Unitarian
    A very broad and diverse church that welcomes members of different faiths outside Christianity. Unitarianism rejects the idea of a Trinity, believing instead that God is one entity
  • God
    • All-loving (omnibenevolent)
    • All-powerful (omnipotent)
    • All-knowing (omniscient)
    • Forgiving
  • God pardons people who are sorry for doing wrong
  • Different denominations of Christians have different ideas about God's forgiving nature. Some Christians believe that Hell will be temporary, while others who read the Bible literally believe that Hell is permanent and agonising with no second chances, as Jesus describes in the Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus (Luke 16:19–31).
  • Many Quaker Christians do not accept the idea of Hell because they do not believe an omnibenevolent God would send anyone to a place of eternal punishment. Some Christians believe that Hell will be temporary, while others who read the Bible literally believe that Hell is permanent and agonising with no second chances, as Jesus describes in the Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus (Luke 16:19–31).
  • God
    • Judge
    • Eternal
    • Transcendent
    • Immanent
  • Trinity
    One God, all-loving and all-powerful, in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit
  • All (the Trinity) were present at the creation of the world and they each fulfil different roles
  • The Lord's Prayer
    The prayer spoken by Jesus to his disciples, starting with the words "Our Father, which art in heaven"
  • The Lord's Prayer is the most widely known prayer in Christianity and is said across most Christian denominations
  • Jesus often spoke about the importance of prayer for developing a relationship with God
  • When asked by his followers how they should pray, Jesus taught them the Lord's Prayer
  • Characteristics of God shown in the Lord's Prayer

    • Has the power to provide what humans need to survive
    • Is forgiving
  • Set prayers
    Formal, written prayers that are often memorised so that they can be recited both publicly and privately
  • Christians may use their own informal prayers, which are more like individual conversations with God
  • Informal prayers may be said in private or publicly, like set prayers
  • The Lord's Prayer is of great importance to Christians because Jesus himself taught this prayer to his followers when they asked him how to pray to God
  • Trinity
    One God, all-loving and all-powerful, in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit
  • All (the Trinity) were present at the creation of the world and they each fulfil different roles
  • The first four of the Ten Commandments
    • Do not worship any other gods
    • Do not make any idols
    • Do not misuse the name of God
    • Keep the Sabbath day holy
  • First commandment
    Do not worship any other gods - Many Christians believe this is the most important
  • Second commandment
    Do not make any idols - The Bible says not to make any images of things from Heaven or Earth
  • Third commandment
    Do not misuse the name of God - God's name should be honoured and respected
  • Fourth commandment
    Keep the Sabbath day holy - One day a week, known as the Sabbath, should be set aside for God. The Christian Sabbath is Sunday.
  • The last six of the Ten Commandments
    • Honour your father and mother
    • Do not commit murder
    • Do not commit adultery
    • Do not steal
    • Do not lie
    • Do not covet
  • Fifth commandment
    Honour your father and mother - Christians should love and respect their parents
  • Sixth commandment
    Do not commit murder - Human life has a special status, and many believe only God should have the power to end a human life
  • Trinity
    One God, all-loving and all-powerful, in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit
  • Seventh commandment
    Do not commit adultery - A married person should not have a sexual relationship with anyone except the person to whom they are married
  • Eighth commandment
    Do not steal - A person should not take things that do not belong to them without permission
  • All three persons of the Trinity were present at the creation of the world and they each fulfil different roles
  • God the Father
    The creator of all things, a loving parent
  • God the Son - Jesus

    The incarnation of God as a human being, sent by God the Father to show people how to live good lives, died to make up for humanity's sins, was resurrected three days later
  • God the Holy Spirit
    The power of God at work on the Earth, often depicted as wind or fire or a dove, enables Christians to understand what God wants them to do
  • Ninth commandment
    Do not lie - A person should be truthful and not tell lies
  • The term 'incarnation' applies to Jesus, who was incarnated - born as a human baby - and Christians believe he was both fully God and fully a human being