Side effects: Nausea, vomiting, dystonic movement, psychotic behavior
Pyridostigmine- treats muscle weakness associated with myasthenia gravis
Antidote- Atropine
Muscle relaxer patient teaching: Take for max 3 weeks. Do not stop abruptly. Do not drive or make important decisions. Avoid alcohol. Use caution when pregnant/ nursing
What types of foods/ drugs should you not mix with medications affecting the CNS?
CNS depressants, alcohol, St. Johns wart, kava kava, gingko, grapefruit
Tardive dyskinesia- involuntary movements resulting from use of typical antipsychotics
symptoms: protrusion/ rolling of tongue, sucking and smacking movements of lips, chewing, involuntary movement of body/ extremities
Buspirone- treats anxiety
class: Azapirone
Benzodiazepines- treats anxiety and alcohol withdrawal
Antipsychotics pt teaching- take drug as ordered. drug may take 6 weeks to reach full effect. avoid alcohol. avoid driving. rise slowly when standing
In general, how are medication dosages different in older adults?
Lower doses
Antidepressant patient teaching: Take as prescribed. Avoid alcohol. Avoid driving. Full effectiveness may take 1-2 weeks. Do not abruptly stop.
Tricyclic antidepressants- treat depression
Side effects: drowsiness, sedation, blurred vision, dry mouth, GI distress, constipation, urinary retention, sexual dysfunction, weight gain, seizures, orthostatic hypotension