free will-determinism

Cards (10)

  • free will
    the belief that humans can reject biological and enviromental forces and are in control of their thoughts and behavior
  • determinism
    the idea that human behaviour is shaped or controlled by internal or external influences
  • hard determinism
    all human behaviour is caused by internal or external forces and free will is an illusion
  • soft determinism
    human behaviour is caused by internal or external factors however there is some room for free will
  • types of determinism
    biological determinism
    environmental determinism
    psychic determinism
  • biological determinism
    the biological approach suggests that behaviour is caused by biological factors such as genes that we cannot control
  • environmental determinism
    skinner suggests behaviour is caused by conditioning (positive/negative reinforcement/punishment)
  • psychic determinism
    Freud suggests behavior is a result of unconscious conflicts repressed in childhood
  • practical value
    P: strength of free will - practical
    E: children with a strong belief in hard determinism were at greater risk of developing depression
    E: people with an external locus of control were less optimistic
    L: therefore believing we have free will has a positive impact on human behaviour
  • the law
    P: limitation of determinism - legal system
    E: hard determinism not consistent with legal system
    E: legal system suggests that offenders have free will in comminting crimes
    L: therefore deterministic argumuments do not work in real life