When was Guzman chancellor and when did he stop being chancellor?
Guzman replaced the Reichsmark for the Retenmark in 1924, and this allowed Stresemann to control hyperinflation through controlling the money supply
When was the Dawes and Young Plan finalized?
What are the terms of the Dawes Plan?
Reparations would be 1000 million marks and after 5 years it would be 2500 million marks, then eventually would vary on German's economic performance
Germany given 800 million mark loan from US
Other economic agreements
Franco-German agreements on potash and aluminium
European cooperation on raw material production
German right wing reaction to Dawes Plan
National opposition attacked the policy because they believed they were compromising with an unjust treaty and they refused to pay the reparations
Terms of the Young Plan
Reduced the amount of reparations Germany had to pay for the allies from 6.6 Billion dollars to 1.8 Billion dollars
Germany had to pay reparations till 1988
Results of the Young Plan
Germany wanting France and Britain out of the Rhineland (happened in June 1930)
The Wall Street Crash didn't make this come into fruition
Germany lost 15% of its pre-war agriucultural production, even though the government tried to intervene there was little growth in German agriculuture after 1924
Problems in agriculture:
Severe price drops in for grain from 1925-26 due to poor weather and damaged farming
Agricultural prices fell sharply between 1927 and 1929
How did the government try to help agrictulture
Subsidies for farmers to modernize their methods
Protectionist tariffs on imports to increase the price of food from other countries at an attempt to help german farmers but this hurt their customers
Economic improvements in Weimar
Real wages and living standards grew for those in employment
By 1929, exports were increasing
Industrial production grew betweeen 1924 -29
Economic failures
Unemployment rose with a spike in 1926
German's main competitors the Allies all grew more than Germany