Psychological Therapies

    Cards (20)

    • CBT aim
      help identify and change irrational thoughts
    • CBT in schizophrenia
      not get rid of symptoms - only makes it better to cope with them
    • How CBT helps/works
      helps make sense of how delusions and hallucinations impact their feelings and behaviour
      • patient believes the voices are demons therefore are afraid - CBT can reduce fear and anxiety by teaching/challenging them that their beliefs aren't based on reality
    • case example of CBT - Turkington 2004 et al.

      Paranoid client's delusion that 'mafia' is spying on and trying to kill them
      Therapist challenges them - how do they know it's the Mafia?
    • Family Therapy
      therapy with family members
      • double bind
      • schizophrenogenic mother
    • Family Therapies aims
      • improve quality of communication and interaction between family
      • reduces levels of expressed emotion and stress
    • How Family Therapy helps - Pharoah 2010 et al.
      • form therapeutic alliance with members and balance between caring for schizophrenic relative & maintaining own life
      • reduce stress of caring for schizophrenic relative and anger/guilt in family members
      • improve family's ability to solve problems & families' beliefs and behaviour towards schizophrenia
    • Pharoah 2010 et al.
      Family therapy reduces stress and expressed emotion whilst increasing chances of patients complying with medication therefore reduce likelihood of relapse and readmission to hospital
    • Token Economies
      reward systems based on operant conditioning to manage behaviour of schizophrenic patients, particularly maladaptive behaviour of those in psychiatric hospitals
    • Token Economy aims
      modify bad habits and improve quality of life therefore more likely to live outside hospital
    • Tokens
      secondary reinforcers given immediately after carrying our desirable behaviour for reinforcement - only valuable once patient learns they can be used to obtain rewards
    • why is immediacy important

      prevents 'delay discounting'
    • delay discounting
      the reduced effect of a delayed reward
    • examples of desirable behaviour

      getting dressed in morning, making a bed
    • Rewards
      materials - sweets, cigarettes, magazines
      service - room cleaned
      privileges - walk outside
    • Support - effective
      • Jauhar 2014 = 34 studies show CBT has effect on negative and positive symptoms
      • Pharoah 2010 = family therapy reduces hospital admission and improves quality of life
    • Counter - effective
      inconsistent studies and issues with quality of evidence therefore weak support for family therapy
    • Limitation - token economies
      McMonagle & Sultana 2009 = 1 out of 3 studies with 110 randomly allocated patients showed improvement in symptoms but not showed useful info about behaviour change - therefore not significant support
    • Limitation - fails to cure
      Family therapy reduces stress of living with schizophrenic relative and token economies make patient's behaviour more socially acceptable for re-integating into society therefore only improves quality of life, not cure
      CA: reduces severity of some symptoms
    • Limitation - ethical issues
      • token economy leads to rewards being less available to patients with severe symptoms and families challenged legality - discrimination against most severely ill patients therefore token economy is used less
      • CBT can interfere with patient's freedom of thought - challenging their paranoia can modify their politics eg challenging their belief of a controlling government
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