schaffer and emerson

Cards (14)

  • what did schaffer and emerson investigate
    the formation of early attachments
  • explain schaffer and emersons study into the formation of early attachments
    • 60 babies
    • 31 = male
    • 29 = female
    • all from glasgow
    • skilled working class families
    • babies and their mothers were visited every month for the first year then again at 18 month
    • researchers interviewed the mother
    • measured separation anxiety and stranger anxiety
  • what were the results of schaffer and emersons study
    • 25-32 weeks 50% had separation anxiety (specific attachment)
    • 40 weeks 80% had specific attachments
    • 40 weeks 30% had multiple attachments
  • how many stages of attachment are there
  • what are the four stages of attachment
    stage 1 - asocial stage
    stage 2 -indiscriminate stage
    stage 3- specific attachment
    stage 4 - multiple attachment
  • what is the asocial stage
    • the first few weeks of a babies life
    • babies behaviour to non-human objects and humans was the same
    • shows preference to humans
    • happier when around humans
  • what is the indiscriminate stage
    • 2-7 months
    • display more observable social behaviour
    • recognise and prefer familiar adults
    • accept cuddles from any adult
    • behaviour isn't different to any one person
  • what is specific attachment
    • around 7 months
    • show separation and stranger anxiety
    • has a primary attachment figure
  • what is multiple attachment
    • once forming a specific attachment babies begin to form secondary attachment figures
    • approx at 1 years old
  • why does schaffer and emersons study have good eternal validity
    • carried out in the families home
    • observations were carried out by the parents during ordinary activities
    • behaviour of babies was unaffected by the observers presence
    • so babies most likely behaved naturally
  • what is the issue with the sample used in schaffer and emersons study
    • limited sample characteristics
    • sample size of 60 babies may be slightly small
    • all babies were from glasgow
    • all babies were from the same social class
    • study was conducted over 50 years ago
    • cannot not generalise findings to other social and historical contexts
  • why is it good that schaffer and emerson used a longitudinal design
    • children were followed up and observed regularly
    • a quicker method would've been to observe the children at different ages
    • longitudinal designs have better internal validity
    • there are no confounding variables of individual differences between ppts
  • what is the problem with studying the asocial stage
    • babies that are a few weeks old have poor coordination and are essentially immobile
    • difficult to make any judgements based on observations
    • there aren't many observable behaviours
    • therefore evidence cannot be relied on
  • explain the conflicting evidence on multiple attachments
    • not clear when a child forms multiple attachments
    • most find that multiple attachments forms once the child has a single attachment
    • psychologists working in collectivist cultures find that babies form multiple attachments very early on
    • collectivist cultures value working together