
Cards (13)

  • who conducted the study on romanian orphans
  • what is institutionalisation
    the effects of spending significant time in an orphanage or childrens home, whereby very little emotional care is given
  • outline the procedure in romanian orphan studies
    • 165 romanian orphans adopted in britain
    • test to what extent good care could make up for early institutionalisation
    • physical, cognitive and emotional development assessed between the ages of 4, 6, 11 and 15.
    • 53 british children who were adopted around the same time were the control group.
  • outline the results from the romanian orphan study
    • when orphans arrived in the UK they were malnourished and showed signs of delayed intellectual development
    • mean IQ for those adopted at 6 months was 107
    • mean IQ for those adopted between 6 months - 2 yrs was 86
    • mean IQ for those adopted after 2 yrs was 77
    • those adopted after 6 months had disinhibited attachment types
  • what was the procedure in the bucharest early intervention project
    • 91 children
    • ages 21-31 months
    • had spent most of their lives in institutional care
    • compared to a control group of 50 children who never had institutional care
    • attachment types measured using strange situations
    • carers were asked if children displayed signs of a disinhibited attachment
  • what were the findings in the bucharest early project
    • 74% control group had secure attachments
    • 19% institutional group had secure attachments
    • 65% institutional group had disinhibited attachments
    • less than 20% control group has dishibited attachment
  • what are some behaviours of disinhibited attachments
    • unusual social behaviours
    • clingy
    • attention seeking to all adults
  • what are the two effects of institutionalisation
    delayed intellectual development and disinhibited attachment
  • explain how institutionalisation leads to disinhibited attachment
    • an adaption to living with multiple caregiversd during the sensitive period
    • a child may have 50 givers whereby none of which form a secure attachment
  • explain how institutionalisation leads to delayed intellectual development
    • occurred in those adopted after 6 months
  • why are there few extraneous variables in the romanian orphan study
    • prior studies to this had involved children who had experienced loss or trauma prior to being institutionalised
    • these factors acted as confounding participant variables
    • in the romanian orphan study there are no confounding variables
    • he finding have increased internal validity
  • explain real life application in the romanian orphan study
    • enhanced our understanding of the effects of institutionalisation
    • led to the improvement of the way children are cared for in institutions
    • e.g. children have fewer caregivers (a key worker)
    • A child can develop normal attachment and not have disinhibited attachments
    • study has practical application and led to the improvement od many lives
  • explain the issue with romanian orphan studies not being typical
    • conditions were very bad in instituitions
    • results can't be applied to our understanding of better insitutional care where children experienced deprivation
    • unusual situational variable
    • may lack generalisability