According to the statistical infrequency definition, any relatively usual behaviour or characteristic can be classed as 'normal' and any unusual behaviour is 'abnormal' (it is statistically infrequent)
On a normal distribution curve less than 5% of the population will be found at plus or minus two standard deviations so any behaviours falling into these points will be statistically rare and by this definition we would say they were abnormal
A person with antisocial personality disorder (psychopathy) is impulsive, aggressive, and irresponsible. According to DSM-5 one important symptom is an "absence of prosocial internal standards associated with failure to conform to lawful or culturally normative ethical behaviour".
According to the statistical infrequency definition, Gloria's very high IQ would be considered abnormal as it is statistically rare (top 1% of population)
According to the deviation from social norms definition, Gloria's poor social skills and behaviour that deviates from accepted social norms would be considered abnormal
However, her high IQ, while statistically rare, is not necessarily undesirable, so the statistical infrequency definition may not fully capture her situation
Self-Attitudes: having high self-esteem and a strong sense of identity
Personal Growth and self-actualisation: the extent to which an individual develops his or her full capabilities (strive to reach our potential)
Integration: being able to cope with stressful situations
Autonomy: being independent of others and self-regulating
Having an accurate perception of reality
Mastery of the environment: including ability to love, function at work and in interpersonal relationships, adjust to new situations and solve problems
The Deviation from Ideal Mental Health criteria are too demanding and difficult for most people to achieve, so by these standards most people would be defined as abnormal
The Failure to Function Adequately definition recognises the subjective experience of the patient and allows their own feelings, thoughts and behaviours to be considered
A weakness of the Failure to Function Adequately definition is that seriously ill individuals may not be capable of recognising their own abnormal behaviour and seeking help
Some seriously ill individuals like psychopaths can still appear to function normally while carrying out terrible actions, which is a weakness of the Failure to Function Adequately definition