46,000 American Indians living in the east were forced to move west of the Mississippi.
Jackson promised they would never have to give up this land.
When was the Indian Trade and Intercourse Act introduced?
1834 – Indian Trade and Intercourse Act
An area west of the Mississippi was labelled “Indian Territory”.
A Permanent Indian Frontier (border) was created to divide American Indian lands and the eastern states. It was guarded by a chain of US Army forts.
Whites were banned from settling on Indian lands.
White traders were banned from selling weapons or alcohol to American Indians.
When was the Indian Appropriations Act introduced?
1851 – Indian Appropriations Act
The government gave money to Plains Indians to help them move onto reservations. These were areas ‘reserved’ for American Indians and managed by the government.
The government reduced the amount of hunting land available. They hoped the Plains Indians would take up farming and become more like white Americans.