Kabuki Theater

Cards (12)

  • It was originally performed by women but later on men took over the roles.
  • Kabuki is the most prominent form of traditional Japanese theater
  • kabuki came from the word kabuku meaning "art of singing and dancing"
  • Its was originally for the lower and middle class and for samurais as a form of entertainment is a bat house
  • Invented by Izumo Okuni. Around 1600's it reached it peak during the Endo era
  • Kabuki were originally all female actors but were later then replaced by male actors because samurais were getting distracted and some SA female actors
  • Categories of Kabuki Plays
    • Jidaimono (History)
    • Sewamono ( domestic)
    • Shosagoto ( dance drama)
  • Style of acting
    Aragato - "rough style" of acting
    - exaggeration of actions and expressions
  • Make-ups
    Kumadori- use of dark lines to create a mask-life effect
    - highlights emotions
    - made out of pure rice, flour or flowers
  • Unique thing about kabuki theaters is that it has trapdoors, revolving stages etc.
  • Music that accompanies kabuki theater:
    Debayashi (on stage assemble)
    Joruri (narrative singing)
  • Noh drama
    • made for the higher class
    • Mysterious, tragic, spiritual etc.
    • grew out of ritual dances and more symbolic