Total capital expenditure plus grants in aid for capital assets
Total Capital Expenditure: ₹11,11,111 crore, a 16.9% increase over 2023-24 RE
Effective Capital Expenditure: ₹14,96,693 crore, a 17.7% increase over 2023-24 RE
Resources transferred to states in 2024-25: ₹22,22,264 crore, an increase of ₹4,13,848 crore over 2022-23 Actuals
Tax revenue (Net to Centre) projected at ₹26,01,574 crore, non-tax revenue at ₹3,99,701 crore
Expenditure on revenue account: ₹36,54,657 crore, including interest payments of ₹11,90,440 crore and grants in aid for capital account creation of ₹3,85,582 crore
Fiscal deficit projected at ₹16,85,494 crore, 5.1% of Nominal GDP