Easily cultured from clinical specimens however, may be outgrown by rapidly growing bacteria and molds.
Useful procedure in the recovery of B. dematitidis, C. immitis and H. capsulatum from contaminated specimens like sputum is the use of yeast extract/phosphate medium and a drop of concentrated ammonium hydroxide placed on one side of the inoculated plate of medium
Recommended to process specimens at once as soon as received to ensure optimum recovery of H. capsulatum and other dimorphic fungi
Considered as sloe growing mold at 25°C – 30 °C
Requires 2 – 4 weeks or more for colonies to appear
Organism may be recovered in 5 days or less if many yeast cells are present in the sample
Blood culture processed with Isolator recovered in 8 days
White fluffy mold that turns brown to buff with age
Some isolates ranging from gray to red have been reported
May also produce wrinkled, moist, heaped, yeast like colonies that are soft and cream colored, tan or pink
Tufts of hyphae often project upward from the colonies