Material having conductivity in between conductors and insulators
Junction diode and transistor are two widely known examples
Solid-state devices made from semiconductor materials offer compactness, efficiency, ruggedness, and versatility
Semiconductor Theory
Explores the fundamentals of semiconductors, including energy bands, covalent bonding, and conductionprocesses
Energy bands
In a semiconductor, there are two main energy bands: the valence band (lower energy) and the conduction band (higher energy)
Energy gap (band gap)
The energy difference between the top of the valence band and the bottom of the conduction band, which determines the electrical properties of the material
Covalent bonding
The sharing of valenceelectrons between atoms, which holds the atoms together in a crystalstructure
Conduction process
1. Electrons can break covalent bonds and move to the conductionband, supportingelectric current flow
2. Holes can also move through the crystal, resulting in hole flow
Electron-hole pairs
The negativeelectrons and positiveholes created by the breaking of covalent bonds
Intrinsic semiconductor
A pure semiconductor with noimpurities, where the number of holes is equal to the number of conduction electrons
The process of addingimpurity atoms to a puresemiconductor to increase its conductivity
type semiconductor
Increases the number of freeelectrons (majoritycarriers)
Impurities have 5valenceelectrons (pentavalent)
type semiconductor
Decreases the number of freeelectrons, with holes as the majority carriers
Impurities have 3valenceelectrons (trivalent)
Type Semiconductors
Loses its extra valence electron when added to a semiconductor material
Has a 5 valence electron called Pentavalent impurity
Examples: Arsenic, Antimony, Bismuth, and phosphorus
Electrons are considered Majority carriers, while the holes are the minority carriers
Type Semiconductors
Tends to compensate for its deficiency of 1valenceelectron by acquiring an electron from its neighbor
Has a 3 valence electron called Trivalent impurities
Examples: Aluminum, Indium, Gallium and boron
Holes are considered Majoritycarriers, electrons are the minority carriers
Semiconductors are materials with conductivity between conductors and insulators. Examples include silicon and germanium.
Solid-state devices are electronic devices that use semiconductors, like transistors and diodes. They are compact, efficient, rugged, and versatile.
Energy Bands
Electronsorbit the nucleus in shells with specific energy levels
In solids, these energy levels spread into bands
Enough energy can cause electrons to jump to a higher band
Covalent Bonding
Sharing of valence electrons between atoms creates strong bonds
Silicon and germanium have 4valence electrons and form covalentbonds with 4 neighbors
Puresilicon and germanium are poorconductors because electrons are tightly bound
Conduction Process
1. Applying heat or voltage can break covalent bonds and create free electrons (conduction) and holes (absence of an electron)
2. Electrons flow towards positive voltage (electron current flow)
3. Holes flow towards negative voltage (hole current flow)
Adding impurities to semiconductors (doping) creates N-type or P-type semiconductors
N-type (donor impurity) has extra electrons (majority carriers) and few holes (minority carriers)
P-type (acceptor impurity) has holes (majority carriers) and few electrons (minority carriers)
Used to protect circuits by limiting the voltage and to also transform AC into DC
Heavily doped diode with negative resistance region, used in voltage regulators
Tunnel Diode
Heavily doped diode with very thin depletion region for electrons to easily tunnel through
Schottky Diode
Rectifying metal semiconductor junction, improves conductivity
Pin Diode
Intrinsic material between P and N type, used for high speed switching
Varactor Diode
Used to make changes in capacitance of a reversed biased junction
Light Emitting Diode (LED)
Semiconductor diode that illuminates when forward biased, releases energy as electrons and holes recombine
Semiconductor diode whose resistance decreases as light intensity increases, used in remote control and sensor systems
Laser Diode
Semiconductor diode that emits coherent and monochromatic light due to lasing
Step Recovery Diode
Fastest diode in terms of switching, has variable doping level
Point Contact Diode
Semiconductor diode with a fine wire (cat whisker) in contact with the semiconductor material, used in microwave applications
Silicon diode exhibiting very high resistance up to a certain voltage, then switches to low conducting state, used to suppress voltage surges and transients
Gunn Diode
Diode that exhibits Gunn effect, a form of quantum mechanical band structure, used as a microwave oscillator
Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT)
Three-terminal semiconductor device consisting of two p-n junctions, can amplify or magnify a signal, current controlled device, manufactured in PNP and NPN types
BJT Operating Regions
Active region (amplifier)
Saturation region (switch fully on)
Cut-off region (fully off, collector current zero)
Applications of BJT: used as amplifier, oscillator, demodulator