Ambivalent means havingconflictingfeelingsaboutsomething, especially about a person or situation. For example I feel ambivalent about accepting the job offer because it pays well but the work is not interesting.
Capricious means giventosuddenandunaccountablechangesofmoodorbehavior. For example his capricious behavior made it difficult for his friend to keep up with his moods. Or divider is capricious this time of year with sunny days followed by Sudden rain showers
Derogatory means showingacriticalordisrespectfulattitudetowardssomeoneorsomething. For example the newspaper received complaints about a derogatory article they published about a local politician.
Exotric means intended fororlikelytobeunderstoodbyonlyafewnumberofpeoplewithspecializedinterestorknowledge. For example the lecture on quantum mechanics was exotric and difficult for most students to understand. Or the chefs recipes are esoteric and require knowledge of specific techniques and ingredients.
Flippant means showingalackofseriousnessorrespect, especiallyinawaythatisinsulting .for example the politicians flippant comments about the pandemic angered many people.
Grandiose means impressiveormagnificentinappearanceorStylebutoftenlackinginsubstance.for example this building is grandiose but in practical for our current needs. Or your brother is always making these grandiose promises that he never follows through.
Histronic means overlytheatricalormelodramicincharacterorstylethatcomesoffasinsincereorfake. For example their histronic speech around cleaner energy fail to persuade the audience at the climate change rally.
Incongruous means not in harmony with the situation or the situation itself. The modern art sculpture looked incongruous in the historic Town Square